Wonderful services at Turtle Lake, Wisconsin
I had a wonderful time of ministry Friday-Sunday, Aug. 28-30 with Pastor Ken and Connie Mandley at Grace Community Church of Turtle Lake, a vibrant 4-year old church in northwestern Wisconsin. The mission of the church, which meets on Sundays at the town’s high school auditorium, is to fulfill Jesus’ mission to seek and to save the lost. I found that I fit right in with that vision.
On Friday and Saturday, we held a Victorious Believers Class. Session titles included Becoming a Strong Christian, Sharing Jesus with Others, Nurturing New Believers, and Power to Be a Witness. The turnout was very good. We had about 35 people for the Saturday night session. The presence of God was wonderful and many were encouraged to become more effective witnesses for the LORD.
On Sunday morning, I spoke on “The Doctor’s in the House” once again from Exo 15:26. I prayed with about 10 people for forgiveness and reconciliation with the Lord and with another 25 or so for emotional or physical healing. It was blessed time. One young woman who I prayed with on Saturday night testified that she received a definite release from panic attacks. A man testified that the Lord had brought him into a new level spiritually. Many others were obviously touched by the Lord. I see my mission is to help people to draw close to God, so that He can touch them and bring healing into their lives.