Trip to North Dakota & Canada
In late July, I travelled to LaMoure, North Dakota for meetings at The Church of the Nazarene. Pastor Carl Black called the Sunday morning and evening meetings a “mini-revival.”
I shared my testimony and spoke from Jeremiah on Sunday morning: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13, KJV.
I talked about how we are all searching for something ever since Adam lost his place with God through sin. My life was a continual search before finding Jesus in 1977. When I found Jesus, I found peace and a relationship with God, but now I’m still seeking God, to know Him better, and to walk in His ways.
On Sunday evening, I spoke on “The Precious Blood of Christ.” The people were blessed by this message. I found out from some of the people who had been around the Nararene Church for years that this was a strong part of their heritage and that they were familiar with “pleading the blood” as well. We need to get back to preaching the blood and claiming its benefits in our lives. The blood brings forgiveness, cleansing, purity, and all the benefits of our blood covenant with God through Jesus Christ. Every need is met through that covenant, and the blood is the foundation.
While in the LaMoure area, I connected with friends I had met back in the ’90s when I pastored in Edgeley and Nortonville, ND.
I then traveled to Gary, Minnesota where I met with several pastors about an evangelistic outreach we are planning in Mahnomen, MN on September 23-25. We had a great time of fellowship in the Gospel, sharing and planning for the weekend which will include a united prayer meeting on Friday, a Family Fun Music Festival on Saturday, and a united church service on Sunday, all to be held in Mahnomen. Please pray for this event, that many people will hear the Gospel and come to faith and repentance and that the church in that area will be awakened and encouraged.
From Gary, I traveled north to Winnipeg and then up to Fairford, Manitoba. I ministered at the annual House of Prayer Camp Meetingheld under a big Gospel tent near Fairford. Pastor Wilfred “Robbie” Bruce said that the church has held the annual campmeeting for the past 50 years. These meetings are a big part of the spiritual and social calendar for many churches in Canada among the indigenous people, which are commonly referred to in the United States as Native American people. They are normally called Aboriginal People in Canada.
For me, though, they are just people, precious people, descendants of Adam, like all of us, in need a Savior and Deliverer. There is a lot more that unites us than divides us, from my perspective, and that goes for the precious people in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica and all the islands of the sea.
Again at Fairford, I preached on “The Precious Blood of Christ,” and once again, the message was a major part of their spiritual heritage. Pleading the blood, too, was not a foreign concept, but the people were blessed to hear the the message and to be encouraged in the covenant promises of God.
On Thursday evening, I spoke from Exodus 15:26, “I am the Lord that Healeth Thee.” God has not changed Who He is, nor His nature, nor His mode of operation. He still is our Healer today. We prayed at the altar for a quite a number of people for spiritual, physical, and family needs during both nights. A number of people testified that the were blessed by the ministry of the Word.
The House of Prayer, like many of the churches in that part of the world, traces its roots to missionaries who came to Canada in 1912, preaching the need for personal salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit. A Pentecostal Holiness movement began, churches were established, disciples were produced, and ministers were raised up. The fruit of that revival remains today in many believers among the aboriginal people and others. I heard more than one testimony of those had been walking with God for many years.
One man shared his testimony about being washed in the blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit 40 years previously.
This man also testified that his grandson had been healed and given new teeth at the previous week of the camp meeting. He said the boy had rotten teeth and gums, but after receiving prayer, the Lord gave the boy brand new teeth. He then brought the young man up on the stage to show the miracle of new teeth. Here’s a link to the video.
The Fairford area, and many nearby communities has experienced a great deal of flooding this year, and many people have had to abandon their homes. In fact, throughout this recent trip, I saw flooding in many areas in South Dakota, North Dakota and Canada. Extreme heat has also been a problem. Particularly in North Dakota, where I heard stories about 100s of cattle dying from the extreme heat.