Here’s some photo highlights from our ministry in 2017. Thank you for your part in helping us to reach people with the only message that can bring true and lasting help and healing—the Gospel of Jesus Chirst! It is our great privilege to take this message to our nation and the world.
On the plane to England in February.
Sharing the Word in Roma Gypsy home meeting, Nottingham, England.
Praying for freedom in Rotherham, England church service.
Praying with father and son for salvation in Derby, England.
Susan exhorting in Derby.
Tom and Susan with Pastor John and Steph Hlad at revival at Solid Rock Church, Monroe, Iowa.
Susan speaking at District TOPS meeting, Cold Spring, Minnesota.
Tom ministering to the sick at Community-wide Healing Service, Cresco, Iowa.
Revival at Trinity-Bergen Lutheran Church in Starkweather, North Dakota.
Joy in Starkweather.
Healing service via Skype in Pakistan.
Preaching at a Times of Refreshing Tent Revival in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
Lives were touched by the Holy Spirit at Pelican Rapids.
Men turning to the Lord at Pelican Rapids.
Pastor Kelton Black of Highbridge, England visited our home. We did a podcast, strategized and prayed.
A great highlight was the Believers School of Ministry in Tolna, North Dakota. About 50 people representing six different churches attended.
Role playing at the Believers School in Tolna.
Susan pouring out her heart at Faith Family Christian Center, Hendricks, Minnesota.
Peter Wiering, president of Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship in Minneapolis, where we ministered in December.
Susan preaching at Gaylord, Minnesota in December.