The Fields are Ripe in Starkweather and the Uttermost Parts of the Earth
By Tom Shanklin
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35, KJV.
It has been a busy and fruitful time of harvest, both in the natural and spiritual realms. As Susan and I are preparing for our mission to India in November, we are also seeing that Jesus is alive and well and moving by His Spirit here in the upper Midwest. I’ll share a report from some of our recent meetings.
In late July, I had an awesome trip to eastern North Dakota, up near the Canadian border, to a town named Starkweather (population 117). No one seems to know exactly why it’s called Starkweather, except that it may have been the name of the first postmaster in that place. I was with Pastor Rob and Debbie Buechler at Trinity-Bergen Lutheran Church, a church which was founded by European immigrants in 1902. I am told that many Lutherans came from Europe to America for religious reasons, to escape persecution and to follow the Lord in a new land.
In that place, I found a people who are still hungry for the Lord. It was obvious that the way had been prepared through prayer and seeking God for the meetings that we held there. There was a great sense of unity and teamwork between Pastor Buechler and me and the people. We had three days of services—Sunday morning, Sunday night, Monday night, and Tuesday night. And because of a desire for more of God and his purposes, an additional meeting was held on Tuesday morning where I taught on the ministry of healing. The meetings were attended by people from Lutheran, Catholic, Pentecostal, Independent, Mennonite and Evangelical Free churches. They came from eight surrounding communities with an hunger and desire to know Jesus in a deeper way.
The services were marked with a number of dramatic healings—some instant, and some progressive. One man testified that after prayer the chronic pain in his back left at 2 a.m. in the morning. Others testified of healings in their hip, shoulders, and other parts of their bodies. One woman, who had tremendous pain that began in her neck and went all the way down her body, was healed. We heard a report a week after the meeting that someone had been healed of arthritis in their hands. People also rededicated themselves to the Lord and were baptized in the Holy Spirit. On the last night, I spoke on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and many came for filling or for refreshing. One woman, who had prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit previously, spoke in other languages for the first time. As one person commented, “Truly God is in this place!”
Below is a video with some of the testimonies from those who were healed:
On to LaMoure, North Dakota
After leaving Starkweather, I drove to the Church of the Nazarene in LaMoure, North Dakota with Pastor Carl and Karen Black. I shared a lesson from our Believers School of Ministry called “Sharing Your Faith as a Lifestyle.” After the lesson, I had a demonstration on how to lead someone to Christ. I asked a young man to help me in the demonstration. After sharing the Gospel with him, I led him in a simple prayer to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. After the meeting, he came to me and thanked me for leading him to salvation. It turned out that he had never received Christ before that night. I asked a friend from the church to watch over him and disciple him in the things of God. The next day the young man told my friend that he wanted to learn how to share his new found faith.
Men’s Advance in Hendricks, Minnesota
In August, we held the first annual Prairie Fires Regional Men’s Advance at Hendricks, Minnesota. The meeting was attended by men of all ages from as far away as Wisconsin representing at least 10 different churches. Five of the men were pastors. I spoke on our “Sonship in God” in the morning session and “Manhood” in the afternoon. I told them that God wants men to be men! God’s idea of a real man is different than the world’s. Our greatest example of manhood is Jesus Christ, who laid down his life, and was bold, courageous, and sensitive to the voice of the Father.
I also encouraged the men to support their pastors and hold up their arms. Satan is always trying to divide and conquer. We must not allow him to destroy our churches through strife and division. I challenged the men to be a stabilizing force in their churches, families and communities. I believe that the men left the meeting encouraged in their manhood and in God’s purpose for their lives.
The next day we had a healing service at Faith Family Christian Center in Hendricks. Three people came forward for forgiveness and a new beginning. As I was driving to the meeting, I had a mini-vision of someone’s chest with a spot on it. After I preached I asked if anyone had a problem or pain in their chest. A woman and her son both came forward for ministry, both having heart problems due to genetic issues. The man, Ted Kessling, had a heart attack at age 35 and recently had heart surgery for Coronary Artery Disease. He testified that he was having significant chest pain during the service, but after prayer the pain was completely gone. We received a report several days later that the pain has not returned. Praise the Lord! Watch the video of Ted’s testimony of healing below:
Coming Up! Healing Service & Missions Night in Mankato!
We are planning two special events here in Mankato this fall—a Healing Service on September 17 and a Missions Night on October 15. I hope that you will be able to attend these events. For those traveling distances, we have arranged for a special rate with the AmericInn Hotel here in Mankato for these meetings. The details are in the event calendar below.
Also, please note that on Saturday, September 26, Susan will be speaking once again at a Women’s Conference in Hendricks, Minnesota. Ladies, if you are able, make plans to attend. This annual event has proven to be life changing in the past.
On Our Way to India November 1-17
Airline tickets are purchased for Susan and me for our upcoming missions trip to southern India on November 1-17. The two ministries we are working with in India are planning leader’s conferences, ministry to Bible College Students, a women’s conference with Susan, evangelistic crusades in the villages, and ministry in a key church in the Hyderabad area. We are excited and busy preparing for this landmark outreach. We still need funds for conference and crusade expenses, travel expenses in India, and for the printing of “You Can Touch the World” in Telugu. Thank you for your prayers for this trip and for your investments into the great harvest field of India.
Susan and I want to thank you for your partnership with this ministry and your prayers. Together, we are taking the great message of our great Savior into all the world. You are in our heartfelt prayers daily!
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- Letters from Our Friends December 2024
- Partner Update: Shining Brighter Every Day!
- Partner Update: Starkweather Evangelism Seminar
- Partner Update: Preaching on Eternal Life!
- Partner Update: Building on a Solid Foundation
- Partners Update: Sharing Jesus One-On-One
- Partner Update: We Need the Holy Spirit!
- Ministry Update: On the Move Again
- Ministry Update: Laborers for the Harvest