Thank God for the Blood and the Spirit
By Tom Shanklin
“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15, KJV.
Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, a day to give thanks for God’s bounty and blessings. Our table now is set, and we are excited to share this wonderful holiday with our family.
The roots of this holiday go back to the European immigrants who came to this continent during the early 17th century. They had suffered great difficulties and had experienced great loss. They were praising God for life itself and for provision for the coming winter season.
Today, with all the problems that are in the world, with all the millions of people that have been driven from their homes because of wars and persecution, we have much to be thankful for, if we have a roof over our head, food on our table, and family around us.
But today, I am also thanking God for His indescribable gift. I’m thanking Him for the blood of Jesus and for the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I can remember the time when I did not have these things, when I was lost and without hope in this world. I remember the guilt, the powerlessness, the hopelessness of not knowing Christ as my Savior and Lord.
But then He spoke to me and said, “Turn from the things of the world.”
When I said, “Yes, Lord!” everything changed. He washed me from my sin and filled me with His Holy Spirit.
His presence flooded me and He said to me, “Precious is the blood of the Lamb, which was shed for you.” It is something that happened in my life 38 years ago, but it’s just as real today as it was then. Thank God for the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. I am still living on the blood and the Spirit today.
I thank God for the blood, because:
- It cleanses me of all sin.
- It purges my conscience.
- It makes me acceptable to God.
- It gives me access to His presence.
Through the blood of Jesus, i am made right with God. It could not happen any other way. Only by His blood can all my sins be washed away. And the blood makes the way for the Holy Spirit to work in my life.
I thank God for the Holy Spirit, because:
- He leads me to Christ.
- He lets me know I’m a child of God.
- He progressively sets me apart to live for God.
- He empowers me to be a witness and to do the works of Jesus.
Jesus died and rose again to give me a new life. His mercy and grace are there for me each day. Whenever I sin, I have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. His blood has been offered on the mercy seat of heaven for me. If I confess my sin, He is faithful to forgive my sin and cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness. I am fresh and new, cleansed and healed, by His blood.
When I need power, the Holy Spirit is here. He will never leave me nor forsake me. All I need to do is call on the Father, and the Holy Spirit will comfort me, strengthen me, encourage me, and help me to be an overcomer in this life.
Yes, I thank God for all He has done in my life. I thank God for my home, my family and for His provision in my life. But when I think where I might have been today, if it had not been for what Jesus did for me on the cross, I can only rejoice and give God glory and honor and praise for His unspeakable gift!
Do you need forgiveness today? Pray this prayer from your heart:
Dear Father, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for sending Him to die at Calvary for my sins. I confess my sins and I turn from sin. Forgive me and cleanse me. I believe that Jesus died for me and rose again and I confess Jesus as Lord and Master of my life. Fill me with your Spirit that I might know your presence and be empowered to live for you every day of my life. Thank you, Father, for your unspeakable gift, in Jesus name. Amen.