You are God’s Christmas Gift!
By Tom Shanklin Jesus is God’s gift to the world! He was born of a virgin and lived among us. He lived a perfect, sinless life. Then, He demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross for our … Read more>>>
By Tom Shanklin Jesus is God’s gift to the world! He was born of a virgin and lived among us. He lived a perfect, sinless life. Then, He demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross for our … Read more>>>
…but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! Luke 2:10 (TLB) The most joyful news ever announced! Think of it! A Savior is born … Read more>>>
By Tom Shanklin Have you ever been at that place in your life where you had a promise from God in your heart? Something that God has spoken to you by His Word or by His Spirit? A promise for … Read more>>>