BSOM233: Pursuing the Call of God with Czech Translation [Video]
God has a call on your life, but there are many distractions along the way. You must make a decision to turn aside from all that hinders, listen to God’s voice, and diligently pursue the will of God. This video message includes biblical examples and principles, as well as personal experience from walking with God for 45 years.
Thanks to Stan Strunc of In His Love Ministries for the translation of this message into the Czech language. Stan is from the Czech Republic and lives in England with his wife Sarah. You can find more about their ministry here:
NOTES: The Call of God III: Pursuing the Call of God
Main Thought: Following the call of God is a lifelong process, which involves faithfulness and steadfastness in pursuing the will of God for your life.
Turn Aside to Hear God’s Voice Read Exodus 3:1-10
In order to receive God’s direction, we must first turn aside and listen to what he says.
Sometimes we can miss the timing of God because the call is strong. If you are called to full time ministry, don’t quit your job until the time is right. Follow your heart, but don’t jump out of the boat until you know it’s time. On the other side, don’t wait too long. Stay in sync with God’s timing. We have seen people launch prematurally into full time ministry. The call is genuine, but they were not prepared to fulfill it. Financial preparation. But don’t discount the supernatural power of God. If the timing is right, don’t hold back. Example: Tom quits job and goes into full time ministry. Later, leaves pastoral work to travel in ministry. In both cases it was tough in the beginning, but gradually, as we were faithful, God gave the increase.
There may be a season when no one recognizes the call upon your life but you and God. That’s ok. Keep pulling next to the Lord and listening to His voice. Let Him prepare you in the Spirit, and when you begin to operate, others will recognize the gift of God. Continue to seek God, pray, study, and prepare for what God has for you. Lay your head on the Lord’s breast and listen to His heartbeat. This can be a very private, even a wilderness season before you move into what God has for you. God will give you people to support your vision, but you must believe in it before anyone else will. You can’t just sit and wait until someone gives you a salary.
Jackie Pullinger—everyone said “no.,” but one pastor said, “If God is saying Go, you must Go.”
God Leads You into Your Calling Progressively Acts 16: 6-10
All 5-fold ministers should preach the Gospel. The core mission of the church is evangelism and discipleship.
You may recognize you are called to preach before you understand exactly where you fit. Relax. God will show you. Be faithful where you are. There are seasons for your ministry. Paul was a teacher before he progressed to be an apostle. (See Acts 13) Many are operating outside of their callings. Example: In many places, you are not recognized as a minister unless you are a pastor. But God says there are 5 ministries.
Just because you are called to preach doesn’t mean you are called to pastor a church. Pastoring is a tough job, which requires a special grace. Example: Tom pastored over 20 years, not totally satisfied in my spirit. I always felt inside that there was something else for me. Tom moving into this ministry of Evangelism and Teaching.
The church is involved in recognizing your calling. It’s best if you can have that, but it’s not always possible. Don’t have a lone ranger syndrome or a persecution complex. Keep your heart pure and open to God’s Church, but at the same time your first accountability is to God Himself.
Provision for Ministers Read 1 Cor. 9:7-14
Where God guides, he will provide. God provides in different ways:
- Supernatural provision (Elijah fed by ravens)
- Working a job or business (tent making)
- The support of God’s people (primary method that God uses)
They that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. Called apart for an important work. In the Old Testament, one whole tribe was set apart to the service of God—22,000 Levite adult men when they came out of Egypt. God made provision for their support through the Tithes and Offerings of the people. God said they were to receive “All the best.” Numbers 18:12 Likewise in the New Testament, provision is made for ministers. Gal 6:6-7 Amp Let him who is taught contrubute to the teacher’s spiritual and material support. Sow/Reap
This may not be immediately fulfilled, but the point is that it is the Lord’s will for ministry to be provided for, God’s people should extend their heart of love and finances for the Lord to support his ministers. That includes pastors, as well as the other 5-fold ministers.
He that plows should plow in hope. It’s just normal. Acts 6:4 We will give ourselves continually to the Word of God and prayer.
CONCLUSION: God has a purpose for your life. Be sure you don’t miss it!
Other Messages from this Series on the Call of God
The Call of God I: God Has a Special Purpose for Your Life [Video & Audio]
The Call of God II: Cooperating with Your Calling [Audio & Video]