Ministry Update: The Laborers Need Healing

Pastors Chris and Joyce Caugherty. Susan taped a lightbulb on Joyce’s back to illustrate her message.
Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He will send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:38, MEV)
A major part of our ministry is encouraging God’s people to get busy in the Lord’s harvest field. The needs are so great, not only around the world but also right here in our own nation.
But one thing that I have realized is that many people have a strong desire to be used in the harvest, but they need healing before they can be effective in reaching others for Christ. They want to be on the front lines in the Lord’s army, but they are in the infirmary at the present time. They are broken in life—sometimes spiritually, sometimes emotionally, sometimes physically, and sometimes relationally.
The Good News is that there is a really good Doctor in the infirmary—the LORD who heals you! So we need to pray for the workers, that they would get under His care, take the treatment that He prescribes, and take time to rest and recover so that they can once again be effective on the battlefield.
If you are one of these wounded warriors, I pray that Dr. God would heal you—spirit, soul, and body. Don’t be condemned or defeated by your current situation. Realize that Jesus is praying for you that your faith would not fail. Come to Him today and find the rest and healing that you need.
Travel Highlights
Besides my ministry trip to North Dakota mentioned in the previous article, Pray for the Rain of the Holy Spirit, Susan and I visited Faith Family Christian Center, which is now meeting in a machine shop on Pastor Chris and Joyce Caugherty’s farm near Astoria, South Dakota. We both shared, but Susan brought the main message. She spoke on letting your light shine. She had not preached publically for quite some time, but the Lord powerfully used her to encourage us all.
We attended a visitation at the Country Church in Ruthton, Minnesota, where the congregation and family were saying goodbye to their pastor, who went home to be with the Lord. Pastor Rich DeRuyter was a man of love, whose main emphasis in ministry was eternal life through Jesus Christ. On one of the last times I spoke with Him he was very sick, but He told me, “I have a bright future, Tom.” He was looking forward to his heavenly home. We will miss him!
Bible School Update
The Mt. Moriah Bible School dormitory project in Danzounmey, Benin continues to progress. Some of the windows and doors have been purchased and installed, and a large pit for sewage from the toilets has been dug. Electrical and plumbing work is next on the agenda in preparation for the on-site pastor and his family moving into part of the building.
I want to thank everyone who has given special offerings for the Bible School Project. Please agree with me for the completion of the dormitory, which will help facilitate the training of ministers to serve in rural areas of Benin. If you would like to contribute, you can learn more and give by clicking here.
Please continue to pray for us that we will fulfill our mission to take the Gospel to the world.
- Pray for our health and our family.
- Pray for resources.
- Pray for open doors.
- Pray for our ministry partners, supporting churches, and missionaries.
- Pray for the anointing to set the captives free.
Susan and I love and appreciate you! We pray for you every day that God would increase your love, bring healing to you and your family, and cause you to fulfill every good thing that He has planned for you. Please let us know how we can pray for you specifically.