The Believer’s School of Ministry in Tolna, North Dakota. About 50 people representing six different churches attended.
The purpose of the Online Believer’s School of Ministry is to prepare faithful believers in Jesus Christ to reach their world for Him by training them to do the works of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Classes focus on training in ministry skills—such as witnessing, praying for the needs of others, and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Check below to engage in the online classes or click here to learn about having a Believer’s School of Ministry in your church>>>
Introduction to Ministry
Develop your skills to reach people with God’s love and power. The first 12 lessons below are from the Introduction to Ministry Class. Each lesson includes audio, video, teaching notes, a quiz and practical exercises. They’re all valuable and they are all free!
- Introduction to Believer’s School of Ministry Teaching Manual (12 lessons) PDF
- Order the Print version of the Teaching Manual
Links and Quick View of Classes
- BSOM101: Discovering New Life In Christ [Audio and Video]
- BSOM102: Sharing Your Faith as a Lifestyle [Audio & Video]
- BSOM103: Building a Strong Foundation for Faith [Audio and Video]
- BSOM104: Nurturing New Believers [Audio and Video]
- BSOM105: Receiving Power to Change the World [Audio and Video]
- BSOM106: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit [Audio and Video]
- BSOM107: Moving in the Gifts of the Spirit [Audio & Video]
- BSOM108: Hearing the Voice of God [Audio & Video]
- BSOM109: Doing the Works of Jesus [Audio & Video]
- BSOM110 Healing the Sick [Audio & Video]
- BSOM111: Using Your Authority in Christ [Audio & Video]
- BSOM112 Bringing Healing to Families, Communities, and Nations [Audio & Video]
- BSOM121: You Have Something that the World Needs! [Audio]
- BSOM122: How to Fulfill Your Divine Purpose in Life [Audio]
- BSOM123: God’s Boot Camp [Audio]
- BSOM151: Sharing Jesus with French Translation [Audio & Worksheet]
- BSOM152: The Healing Ministry with French Translation [Audio]
- BSOM153: Lifestyle Evangelism with Thai Translation [Audio]
- BSOM154: Lifestyle Evangelism Teaching with Nepali Translation [Video]
- BSOM201: How to Preach the Gospel: You Can Do It If You Try [Audio]
- BSOM202: Doing the Works of Jesus [Audio]
- BSOM211: Boldness to Use the Name of Jesus [Audio]
- BSOM231: Cooperating with Your Calling [Audio & Video]
- BSOM232: God Has a Special Purpose for Your Life [Video & Audio]
- BSOM233: Pursuing the Call of God with Czech Translation [Video]
- BSOM251: The Devotional Life of a Minister with Thai Translation [Audio]
- BSOM261: The Holy Spirit Our Helper [Audio & Video]
- BSOM262: You Can Receive More of the Holy Spirit [Audio & Video]
- BSOM263: Activating the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry [Audio]
- BSOM301: The Mission of the Church [Audio]
- BSOM302: How to Build Your Church [Audio]
- BSOM303: “The Ministry of the Evangelist” with Czech Translation [Audio]
- BSOM304: Sharpening Yourself for Effective Ministry with Michael Lusk [Audio & Video]
- BSOM305: The Healing Anointing [Audio & Video]
- BSOM306: The Missions Vision of the Local Church [Audio]