Oh God, Are You There?
By Tom Shanklin
“Oh God, when are you going to do something about this? Are you there?”
How many of us have prayed a prayer like that at times in our lives? We see God as a sort of holy genie that will intervene in our circumstance and make everything right.
Certainly, it is true, He is a very present help in time of trouble. And He does deliver us from dire circumstances through miraculous intervention. However, there are times in our life that what we need is not so much a divine intervention, but rather a release of divine wisdom to bring a much-needed, long-term solution to our problem.
Notice this amazing verse from Proverbs: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.” Proverbs 4:7, 8, KJV.
Now that’s a strong statement: “Wisdom is THE principle thing.” Remember Solomon, when he had opportunity ask God for anything (imagine that, anything), he asked for wisdom. Lack of wisdom is the source of so many of our problems. That’s why in James, where the subject is temptations (or the trials of life), we are instructed to ask for wisdom. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5, KJV.
Wisdom is something that applies to every area of life—our finances, our relationships, our thought life, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health, our priorities, our relationship with God. We need wisdom! Wisdom will promote us and bring us to honour.
The Bible says that Jesus is made unto us wisdom. He’s not a genie, Jesus is Wisdom. “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:” 1 Corinthians 1:30, KJV. Think of that, Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead, in order to become “Wisdom” in your life.
I can remember in my own life, even as a Spirit-filled, Word-believing, sold-out, dedicated Christian, it seemed like I was always making stupid mistakes, bad decisions. I would purchase things that I “had to have.” Then I’d end up paying for those things for multiplied years. Then interest upon interest, debt upon debt incurred. Then, you’re in a situation where you have to borrow money just to stay afloat. (Hum. Sounds like the US government. Lord, help me not get distracted here.)
You see, we’re in trouble because we are listening to the wisdom of this world, wisdom from beneath, rather than wisdom from above. We’re motivated by things like fear, and lust, and greed, and we end up doing all sorts of foolish things.
The Bible says that the borrower is the slave to the lender. But what do we do? Borrow. Borrow. Borrow. Then we’re in a mess and we blame God, or we’re angry at the system, or the creditor. No. we need wisdom. We need God to impart to us His supernatural wisdom for living. He’s not subject to all the mess that’s in this world. He can show you how to operate in the world, but not be of it.
For years I prayed to God for wisdom. Then I confessed Scriptures for wisdom. I have a plaque in my study that says: “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3, 4, KJV. I confessed that Scripture over and over again.
Little by little I increased in wisdom. Slowly, my thinking started to line up with the wisdom of God. When I was tempted to do something stupid, a little warning buzzer would go off inside and I’d resist. Afterwards I’d be happy that I hadn’t made that mistake, and I’d thank God.
Every so often though, I’d make a blunder, and feel like kicking myself. But little by little, I learned (and am still learning) to walk in wisdom. I still make those blunders from time to time, but I’ve noticed it is less and less, and usually it’s minor things. Even when I do mess up, if I’ll repent, I find God will help me out of a mess, by giving me a favor with someone or a solution to the problem I’ve gotten myself into.
A couple years ago, I needed a car. My Toyota Camry was battered and had 240,000 miles on it. I do quite a bit of traveling and I needed a car. Besides, it didn’t look the best, and I WANTED a new car. I kept thinking about getting a loan and buying another car. Time and time again, I would be tempted, but each time Jesus (Wisdom) would stop me. He would just seem to say “Patience.”
So my wife and I prayed for a car for me and trusted God for the provision. Each time I’d see a car I wanted, I would think that God was answering my prayer and I should get a loan and buy it. But “Wisdom” wouldn’t let me.
Finally, a church where I had ministered gave me $5,000 for a car. and I thought, “That will make a nice down payment.” But wisdom wouldn’t let me get a loan. Then, by the grace of God, I was able to purchase a car with fairly low miles through an online auction for an exceptionally good price. By the time I sold my Camry, which by the grace of God was still running fine, I was able to purchase a very nice car, and own it debt free.
I look at that event as a turning point for me. Instead of supporting the First National Bank, Mastercard, and Visa, I was able to begin to make progress financially. God’s miraculous supply, in combination with wisdom, brought victory in an area of my life. You see, we need wisdom to understand that God is able to make a way where there seems to be no way. The world wants us to think that there is no help for us in God, but in fact, He is able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think, but we have to wait upon Him, trust Him, and seek Him for wisdom.
A gift of $5,000 is a wonderful miracle of provision. But if I hadn’t had “Wisdom” working on my side, I would have ended up in debt anyway. I would have wasted money on a car with an inflated price tag, and then wasted more on interest. You see, God’s provision is not enough. We also need wisdom. So many people think that money will solve all their problems, but it won’t. Every year, people win millions of dollars in lottery prizes, and many of them end up depressed, stressed, harassed, alone, and broke once again after a few years. Why? They need wisdom. Money is not enough.
God is not your problem. He’s your solution. But He does not always fix your problems by a “bail out program.” Sometimes what is needed most is some internal reformation. And this pertains not only to finances, but to every area of life. The answer, the wisdom you need, is in the Bible, but you have to read it, absorb it, and then begin to walk in the light of it. It doesn’t come overnight. It is a process.
We need wisdom about so many things. We need wisdom on how to treat our spouses, how to raise our children, how to function on the job, how to keep our thinking straight, what to read or not read on the internet. We need wisdom about how to get right with God, and how to stay in fellowship with Him. That kind of wisdom doesn’t come from a state university or Doctor Phil. It comes from heaven. It comes from God, through His Word and by His Holy Spirit. Today, the nations of the world need wisdom. Our leaders need wisdom. You and I need wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing. Get wisdom. Embrace her. With wisdom get understanding. Exalt wisdom, and she will promote you and bring you into honour, in Jesus’ precious name.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Son Jesus, who came and died on that cross of Calvary that I might know you, and receive all that you have for me. Father, I turn from the wisdom of this world, and embrace the wisdom from above, I embrace Your Wisdom, and Your Son, who is made unto us wisdom. Father, I ask you, I ask in faith, for wisdom in my life. Help me to be a wise son (or daughter). Help me to have that internal warning system to let me know when I’m about to act or react in an ungodly, unscriptural way. Deliver me from evil, Lord, by the power of your Holy Spirit and through the wisdom from above. I believe in you. I believe in your Son, Jesus, who you raised from the dead. Thank you for making me your child, and giving me a full inheritance in the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name. Amen.