Ministry Update: Staying Focused on the Ripened Fields
January is a busy time for the natural side of this ministry, such as end-of-the-year receipts, financial reports, and government filings that are due. But it’s also a time that we like to seek the Lord for His plan for the coming year and to hear what He is saying to the Body of Christ.
As I looked to the Lord in prayer, this scripture was brought to my mind:
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (John 4:35, AV).
Here He tells us where to put our eyes, in other words, this is where our focus should be. We should be looking at the white fields around us, the souls that are ready and waiting for someone to come and help them find their way into the kingdom of God.
What the Lord showed me is that when we have our focus on reaching the lost, our guidance system will operate properly. We will begin to see specifically how each of us fits into God’s plan to reach the world and what our individual part is in the harvest.
The body of Christ is like a combine (a harvesting machine), which has many parts that work together to bring in the harvest. A combine harvester is “made up of about 21 parts including the header, reel, cutter bar, sieves, rotating blades, grain tank, unloading pipe, augers, conveyors, belts, layers, wheels, and much more.” ( Likewise, each of us has different spiritual gifts and functions in the church, but together, we contribute to bringing in the harvest.
Each local church should be a harvesting machine to reach the lost, make disciples, and provide a place for God’s people to exercise their gifts and grow and multiply. As we realize that the fields are truly ripe and ready for the harvest, God’s vision for the local church is established. When we “lift up our eyes and look at the fields,” we begin to connect with the purposes of God and understand more clearly how the church is to function and what our individual part is in His body.
Not everyone in the body is an evangelist in the 5-fold ministry, but we are all called to be witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. As Jesus said, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, AV). This is everyone’s job!
Today, I’d like to share three simple thoughts about how you can be an effective witness for Jesus:
- Live a godly life! People need to see Jesus in our lives before they can hear about Him from our lips. We are called to BE witnesses through our actions as well as our speech. Think about how you do business, the words that you use in daily conversation, and how you treat people. Is it a proper reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ? If you have missed it, repent, and He will use you in a greater way to help people to know Him.
- Love people where they are at! Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35, AV). I believe love, more than anything, is the thing that draws people to Jesus. As Christian believers, we have already have that love of God in our hearts, but we must be sure that it is not hindered by judgmental “holier than thou” attitudes. We are to hate the sin but love the sinner, just like Jesus did! Give people as much grace as you needed before you came to Christ. Demonstrate and exude love to people, not judgment, and you will see more fruit from your ministry.
- Open your mouth! God says, “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” (Psalms 81:10, AV). When you are with people who need the Lord, silently pray, “Lord, open the door, open their hearts, and open my mouth.” As you step out, God will meet you and give you the words to speak. I have found that people are open to hearing about Jesus when we share about him in a free and relaxed way. Don’t try to paint people into a corner. Just share what God has done in your life. Be free … and enjoy the privilege of sharing the Good News with others!
Staying Focused on the Mission and the Message!
As we look ahead to the things that God has for this ministry, I am encouraged by the Lord to remain focused on the mission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. We are called to proclaim the message of the cross, which is the power of God. Through the cross people are reconciled to God and made whole. We will continue to reach the lost, encourage believers, and strengthen the church. We will continue to be involved with international ministry through our giving, our missions projects, travel, and media ministry.
Our media ministry continues to expand through the printed page, CDs, and the internet. Last year we had over 23,000 people from 85 nations visit our website, where we have almost 700 posts (including articles, videos, and audio recordings) and where we talk about subjects like salvation, healing, emotional healing, evangelism, the church, and more. Only eternity will reveal how many people have been helped, inspired, and changed through this ministry. We are also reaching many people through our outreach on YouTube and various podcast platforms. I believe that these are some of the “white fields” where we need to continue to sow and reap a harvest.
We received the following note from someone who has been blessed by the media ministry:
Peace and blessings to you and Susan. Thank you for your word, the truth, and your excellent teachings about Jesus. I love your newsletters and email ministries which we receive from you. Praising God for your renewing strength as you went through some health struggles. God is so good! Could you send me 5 CDs, the Peace CDs, please? I listen to it on my way to work and love it. (Fergus Falls, Minnesota)
Update on the Benin Vision
We praise God that we have received some special offerings to help with the needs of the Mt. Moriah Bible School and the Mt. Moriah Vocational and Technical High School in Danzounmey, Benin, West Africa. As I mentioned in our January 2024 Ministry Update, both schools are thriving. The great need right now is for food for the residential students for both schools. The minimal cost of food for the 15 residential students is $900 a month. Click here to learn more or contribute to the Benin Vision.
Please Continue to Pray!
Please continue to pray for Susan and me and this ministry, as we pray for you. As Paul wrote, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (2Thessalonians 3:1, AV).
My health has greatly improved! In January, I made it a whole month without landing in the hospital. Glory, hallelujah! I did have an outpatient diagnostic surgery on my kidneys and had stents removed, and all my plumbing is working well. Susan and I are both dealing with a few more health issues, but we are believing God for total healing and restoration.
Susan and I ministered at a home group in January, and we are starting to schedule some more meetings for the coming days. I’m also finding that I am also ministering more and more one-on-one, especially to ministers. God keeps developing His plan, and we are thankful to be a part of it!
Thank you for continuing to stand with us as we proclaim the glorious Good News of Jesus around the world. We love you and pray for you every day!
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