Ministry Update for June 2014
By Tom Shanklin
We had some good opportunities for ministry in May. We had another session of the Believers School of Ministry at For His Glory Church in Spring Grove, MN, where I shared a new lesson called “Nurturing New Believers.” One of the most important responsibilities of the local church is taking care of the babies in our midst. New believers need love, encouragement, and lots of good spiritual food in order to develop spiritually. Not only the pastor, but everyone in the church needs to take part in caring for young Christians.
At the meeting I mentioned earlier in LaMoure, ND, every one of the young people came forward to make a commitment to follow Jesus as Lord. What a joy to pray with about 10 young people as the congregation of adults stood behind them. I also held three days of healing services at the Carpenter Shop on the Rosebud Reservation in Antelope, SD., where several testified that they received a healing touch and blessing from the Lord during the meetings.
Susan and I continue to minister the Word weekly on our “Your Life Matters Radio Broadcast.” You now can subscribe to our podcast on the iTunes Store and searching “Tom Shanklin.” You can also listen to the broadcasts from our website at Please pray for our listeners as we share the message of salvation on the broadcast each week.
Comments from Our Last Newsletter
I thought you might enjoy reading a couple of notes we receive from our friends concerning our May newsletter:
Your advice on “How to Help Your Church to GROW!” should be on the desk of every pastor. And delivered to the people. There does not appear the training in that area has been done in some churches. I always enjoy Susan’s tell-it-like-it-is articles. Thank you Susan! (From Illinois)
Susan, I can’t tell you how much your article “When You Can’t Get What You Want” meant to me. I love how you are unafraid to be honest and genuine!! I praise God for both of you.” (From Arizona)
Napali Translation of You Can Touch the World to Begin
As I mentioned, I had the opportunity to share with the Board of Directors of our ministry partners, Bible Living Ministries, last month about Nepal. I described my impression of the people of Nepal as “like dry kindling.” The spiritual hunger in that nation is awesome! In fact the fire is already burning brightly. Those of us who are working in that nation just need be sure that we do the things that will make for a sustained burn rather than a flash in the pan.
Just to give you a picture of what God has been doing in Nepal, here are estimates of the number of Christians in Nepal in previous years. (Source Operation World, The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation, Jason Mandryk)
- 1952—29 Christians
- 1990—200,000 Christians
- 2010—850,000 Christians (2.85 percent of the population)
Until 2008, Nepal was a Hindu monarchy and it was illegal to be a Christian. Since becoming a democracy with greater religious freedom, the Christian population has been growing exponentially. The number of Christians in 2014 is unknown, but many believe that Nepal has the fastest growing Christian population (percentage-wise) of any nation in the world, including China. And think of it, you and I have a part of it. Praise the name of Jesus!
We have been asked to translate and print our book on evangelism, You Can Touch the World, into the Nepalese language as a tool for training and encouraging leaders to reach their nation. I praise God that in May we were able to send funds to begin the work of translating You Can Touch the World. Please agree with me that the remainder of the money will come in so that we can have this Gospel tool in the hands of leaders by the end of this year.
Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14, KJV. The end of the world as we know it is coming. Jesus will return and gather His bride. But in the meanwhile we have a job to do. And I am honored to have a part of it, whether it be in Nepal, India, Africa, Europe, or the United States.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed to the Nepalese translation and thanks to all who continue to support this ministry financially, and with your prayers and encouragement. You are helping us to fulfill the Lord’s mission and calling for our lives. Susan and I love and appreciate you and pray for you daily! Let us know how we can agree with you in prayer as we go forth together to honor the King and reach this world for Jesus Christ.