Ministry Update: 50 Years and Counting

Tom and Susan’s wedding day
By Tom Shanklin
In May, Susan and I celebrated 50 years of marital bliss. Well, mostly. Seriously, I am tremendously blessed to have such a wonderful wife. You can see our wedding photo and a picture of my bride above.
I cannot tell you how many places we have lived and traveled to, and the many adventures of our lives. We married when I was 19, and Susan was 20. I like to say I married an older woman. Each year in July, though, we become the same age, so I guess I am catching up with her.
It’s been wonderful in recent years that we have been able to travel together to preach the Gospel to the nations. I guess I can say that the Lord has anointed us individually, but also He has anointed us together. One pastor friend said that we are better together than the sum of the parts.
We are also learning to flow together better, although she says that sometimes I annoy her. (smile) We have grown in our relationship, and in hearing from God together. I used to seek the Lord and get a direction from Him, and then try to talk Susan into it. I have learned that the Lord is capable of speaking to her as well, and very often, she has input and insight that I need. Seeking the Lord together makes for a more comfortable ride and a clearer direction.
A Good Month of Ministry
May was another good month of ministry. We did several videos which are available on our website and YouTube. We also did a video of our mission to Europe. It was inspiring to relive the wonderful days we spent there and see how the Lord touched people by His Holy Spirit.
Also, for the first time in May, I ministered on Zoom, the online conference app. I took part in a meeting of men from California and other parts of the nation who are part of Business Men’s Fellowship. I preached on the power of the Gospel and shared a number of miracles that I have experienced over the years. God is good … and He is able!

The walls are up on the dormitory in Benin. Let’s pray for a roof!
Missions Project in Benin
As you know, the Lord has put it in our hearts to help with the development of a property in Benin, West Africa, which is being used as a Bible school, local church, and retreat center. With the help of our partners, we have been able to purchase a well, and have helped with the construction of a dormitory for the Bible school students. This property is in a remote area, rather than a city center. The purpose is to train students to become pastors who will be adapted to rural life, where ministry is most needed.
Along with the money we have been able to provide, the church in Benin has also been contributing to the construction project. The walls are completed, and the dormitory is ready for a roof. The roof, by the way, will be concrete, which will serve as the floor for a future second story for the building. Right now, the work has stopped, as finances are tight because the government is not allowing the churches to meet in Benin. In fact, this month, we sent some funds to help with food and supplies, which were needed for the Bible School students.
I would like to see the dormitory project continue so that the students have a decent facility in which to live and learn. If you would like to contribute to the dormitory project, please use the enclosed response form. About $5,500 is needed for the roof.
Click here to learn more about the Benin Bible School Project>>>
Thank you!
Susan and I are so thankful for your support, which comes not only in the form of finances but also in many words of encouragement and prayer. We also delight to pray for you and to believe God for miracles in your life and family. Thank you for being a part!
Partner with Us to Reach the World>>>
Letters from Our Friends…
Healed After Watching Video
Thank you for your ministry! I’ve been watching your videos and have really been blessed! After watching the “Healing and Forgiveness Go Together” video, the Lord healed me of an infection that I was dealing with for the past three weeks. Praise the Lord!! God is good! (Minnesota)
Glad You’re Continuing
I’m so thankful for you two and am so glad that you CONTINUE to send out your messages of encouragement! Our prayers are with you and we hope to see you ‘in the flesh” soon! Till then we will always be enriched by the Word of God that you so ably impart to our hearts! Love and Blessings through Him, (Minnesota)
Jesus Has Time for You Video
I just watched your video. Good message. I also had a good laugh over the cat scream. (Southern Minnesota)
Thanks you guys! Hope Susan is okay after the cat attack! (Northern Minnesota)
Hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to let you know I was watching your YouTube video, “Jesus Has Time For You.” I really enjoyed it and appreciate you guys doing this.
Mission to Europe Video
What a beautiful tribute to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. You both radiate the Joy of the Holy Spirit! (Arizona)
My wife and I are so happy to watch a touchable video of healing and deliverance service during your trip to Poland, Slovakia, and Poland in February this year. Truly, it is encouraging and building our faith to see the way God is using you and Susan in a mighty way. (Pastor from Kenya)
Beautiful! Thanks for “Loving to Tell The Story… of Jesus and His Love!” (Northern Minnesota)
Loved Your Newsletter
I loved your newsletter, a challenging message from Tom, and Susan’s exciting “tell-it-like-it-is” experiences. God gave you, Susan, so many talents, which you use in unique and God-pleasing ways. Then I thank HIM for allowing me to live to see and experience HIS amazing work in your ministries. Every month when I receive your fully packed, powerful messages, I say to my self, “Look what God has wrought!” So I wait for next month’s report on seed planting and harvest. (Illinois)