Letters from Our Friends December 2024
We always appreciate the feedback and encouragement that we receive from our friends. It’s been a while since we’ve published any letters so we are catching up a bit on your responses to our articles. Thank you! Tom and Susan
The Wonderful Grace of God
So enjoyed your writings about grace in your newsletter. Good to have a review. Your whole newsletter was great! (Minnesota)
Amen and hallelujah! (Thailand)
Thank you for the letter on grace … more clearer understanding. (Minnesota)
Is Something Robbing Your Joy?
This particular devotion has really helped my heart today. Now I am full of joy. Thanks be to God for using you to strengthen us. (Kenya)
We need these reminders to rejoice in the Lord! C.S. Lewis said, “Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” (Texas)
If God is for You, Who Can Be Against You?
Thank you Tom for reminding us we were made for victory NOT DEFEAT!! When JESUS cried on the cross IT IS FINISHED It was a cry of victory!!! (England)
Activating the Holy Spirit
Perfect message for me! I have been aware of a need to pray in tongues more and regularly every day Thank you for your powerful message, as always. (Christian Author from Florida)
Dear Tom and Susan, I want to let you know how much your newsletters minister to me. Sometimes I don’t even read a newsletter if it is more than one page. But yours is different. In the July newsletter, when you wrote about “Activating the Holy Spirit,” this certainly ministered to me and exactly where I am at and receiving more and more of the Holy Spirit! It is written so well and easy to understand. (Minnesota)
Thanks for the great teaching newsletter on the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues. I really enjoyed it!! (Philippines)
North Dakota Preaching
Tom, I want you to know that your Sunday message was amazing and one that all our church members could benefit from hearing. I believe it is the best one I have heard you give! God bless you, Tom, with continuing health in the days ahead and guide both of you always. (North Dakota)
Susan’s Articles
Good morning Tom. Coming from a farmer, tell Susan, that was a great word that she shared about “don’t dig up your seed.” God is good! Powerful! He loves us! He’s got a fail proof plan! Praying for you, love you! (North Dakota)
I always enjoy Susan’s page. I want to choose to listen and move forward, knowing that the Holy Spirit is always with me. (Minneapolis area)
Susan: Old Bones and New Dreams
Absolutely love this article. So much truth told here. Thank you! (Minister from Wisconsin)
Susan – Thank you for your story. We are all a ‘work in progress.’ (Arizona)
Great article by Susan! Great truths are embedded in the article! (Missionary to the Philippines)