Ministry Update: Laborers for the Harvest

Photo by Paz Arando on Unsplash
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (Matthew 9:38, KJV).
When Jesus saw that the people were like scattered sheep without a shepherd, he told His disciples to pray for laborers. Ultimately, they were the ones who He sent.
Through prayer, our hearts are opened to the will of God, and their prayers to the Father prepared them to be sent by Him into the harvest field. If you have sensed he call of God to reach the scattered sheep, you know what I mean. If you have not, pray!
The Greek word translated “he will send forth” is ekballo. It is a very strong word with a connotation of thrusting out with violence. It is often translated “cast out.” The Lord was calling the disciples to pray the Father would give the laborers a good kick in the pants to get them going forth to reach people with the Gospel.
We need to realize that the call of God is not a suggestion, it is a command. We are called to take the Gospel to the world. When we accept that call, we will find the joy of reaching people for Jesus and nothing can stop us from going forth in His name.
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Good Meetings in March
In March, I spoke at Living Waters Church in Clear Lake, Minnesota, on “The Ministry of the Believer.” The five-fold ministry gifts that Paul talks about in Ephesians 4:11 are not an end unto themselves but are called to equip the saints to the work of the ministry. God’s people were challenged and encouraged in their ministry to the world and the body of Christ.
I also returned to Prarie Faith in Glenfield, North Dakota, where I spoke on “The Battle Belongs to the Lord,” on a Saturday night, based on the story of King Jehosaphat’s victory over three armies in 2 Chronicles 20. On Sunday morning, I spoke about “Don’t Go Back!” taking my text from Exodus 14:15: “Speak to the children of Israel, so that they go forward.” It was a word of encouragement to the church to go forward spiritually into new dimensions of the Word and the Spirit and to not lapse into religious traditions.
Both of these churches are presently searching for pastors. Please pray for them that God will give them pastors after His heart. “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” (Jeremiah 3:15, MEV). It is so important that local churches be led by pastors who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who will feed God’s people with knowledge and understanding of spiritual things so that they may be strong in these last days.
Looking Ahead
Even as we are challenging God’s people to “go forward,” we are also pressing forward with the vision that God has given us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel both through in-person ministry and media. As I see it, we are on a joint mission with you.
Through your partnership, you are not only helping Susan and me with the assignment that God has given us, but we are helping and encouraging you in your assignment. You are called to go into all your world with the Good News as well, including the places you work, play, shop, and all the people you touch in all the days of your lives. Remember, you are His witnesses and the light of the world, and you are taking territory for Jesus everywhere you go!
Thank you for your prayers for us as we continue to go forth with the Gospel!
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