Kenya Report: An Awesome Time of Ministry
Our time in Kenya March 15-30 was the most awesome time of ministry in my 16 years of full-time service to the Lord. We saw God move with signs, wonders and miracles in the name of Jesus. Many came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and many were encouraged in their walk with God.
Our stay in Kenya began in Kisumu, where we ministered in Pastor Samson Nyameche’s church, Believers Fellowship Tabernacle Church. We found there a thriving congregation of believers in Christ, hungry for the Word of God. I preached to the Youth Group on a Saturday night, challenging them to make their life count for God. Then on Sunday, I preached to the congregation and prayed for the sick. Dave Faltin, who traveled with me, testified and taught the adult Sunday School Class on tithes and offerings. Several received Christ while we were in the church.
The following day, we traveled to Litein, in the mountains on Western Kenya, where we spent the remainder of our ministry time. We were assisted by young people from Pastor Samson’s church who ministered in music and the ministry of helps. God blessed us with a tremendous spirit of unity between our team, Pastor Samson and his church and other participating churches. We also sensed a oneness with those back in the US (both from our local church and churches and individuals around the country) who were praying with us during this time. This unity was one of the keys to the great move of God that we experienced.
We held a pastor’s seminar in the mornings and an open-air crusade in the afternoons. I can truly say that God did not let us down, as we prayed for the success of these meetings. Each day we saw people come to Jesus and receive Him as Savior and Lord.
Even the pastor’s seminars were attended by local people, some of whom had never received Christ. Many of these received salvation, others were baptized in the Holy Spirit and others received healings during the morning sessions. Meanwhile the pastors received teaching on such subjects as “What God Says about You”, “Power to Change the World”, “The Gifts of the Spirit”, Devotional Life of a Minister”, and much more
Open Air Crusade
The afternoon crusades focused on salvation and healing, with messages such as: “What’s Wrong with God’s Creation?”, “The Mighty Name of Jesus”, “The Touch of God”, “Four Truths for Divine Healing”, and “The Heart Problem.” Approximately 50 people per night received Jesus as Saviour.
On Sunday morning, I preached on “Can Jesus Use Your Boat?” We had one of the most incredible meetings that I have ever experienced. The meeting began in a small tin building that houses the congregation of the Faith Church of Litein. Before long, the small building was teaming with over 200 people. Meanwhile, people were coming from all over the city and were standing around the outside of the building.
It was then decided to move the service outside. The crowd for that meeting was estimated at approximately 700 people. One of the other churches in the town, which is not known for preaching the Gospel of Christ, at first complained about the volume of the sound system and the distraction to their morning service. However, after a while, they decided to come and join our service. Many of those people received Christ when the altar call was given. It was a glorious victory.
That afternoon was the final meeting of the crusade. . . and God saved the best for last. During the week, many people testified of receiving healings for sicknesses in their bodies. Headaches, back problems, stomach problems, joint and muscle problems and more were all healed by the mighty hand of God. One person had received a healing of partial paralysis, two had received sight, and several deaf people had been healed.
On the last night, however, five girls came up on the stage to testify that they had been healed of deafness. For the most part they could not speak (only squeak) although one of them did speak the name of Jesus. Near the end of the service as I stood behind the platform, approximately six more deaf people were brought to me. As I prayed for them individually, their ears were opened one by one, and they indicated that they could hear as well. What a tremendous move of God. Also, a number of people received Christ on the last night, including a major government official, the District Commissioner (similar to a governor).
Well, we had prayed for signs and wonders and many of you were praying with us along with the Christians in Kenya. . . so why should we be surprised that God did what he said He would do.