It’s All About a Relationship with Father God
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24, KJV).
While talking to a woman of Samaria, Jesus made this statement. She had been asking where is “the right place” to worship. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, she said, but you (the Jews) say that you should worship in Jerusalem. Which is right?
Today we could also argue about “the right place” to worship, but Jesus made it clear that the Father is looking for worshipers who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. In other words, its not a matter of geographic or physical location. It’s a matter of the heart. It’s not a matter of externals. It’s a matter of relationship with Father God.
Jesus came to reestablish relationship with God. He came to bridge the gap between humanity which had gone astray and “our Father which art in heaven.”
His life, His teachings, His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection were all part of God’s plan to restore us to relationship with Himself.
When Adam sinned, the voice of God was heard calling out, “Adam, where art thou?”
If you think about it, that really is what the whole Bible is about—a call from God to humanity to return to Him. . . and to find the peace and contentment that comes from knowing Him intimately.
We have been estranged, separated, dislocated from our habitation with God. Like strangers in a strange land, we wonder, without moorings, without, the divine touch, plagued by emptiness, dissatisfaction and gnawing sense that something is missing.
Man has attempted to fill this emptiness in many ways. . . through pleasure, through pain, through religion. The world’s religions are man’s attempt to fill that void. But in Jesus Christ, God Himself took the initiative. He made the way, giving us access to Himself.
God’s plan has always been relationship. God is spirit. We are a spirit. Our bodies are merely our “earth suits” enabling us to walk in the natural realm. The “real you” is a spirit being, capable of contacting God, fellowshipping God, interacting with God.
We’ve all experienced the pain of broken relationships. . . the deep hurt of separation. These experiences are emblematic of our separation from God. . . and our separation pains our heavenly Father.
Today I want to encourage you in your relationship with your heavenly Father. He is Someone that you can talk to. He is Someone Who cares. He is Someone Who desires your intimate fellowship and companionship. And He is the Almighty King of the Universe!
We can all stand to have a closer walk with God. Even the Apostle Paul, who had walked with God for years cried out, “that I may KNOW Him.” Knowing God, being intimate with our heavenly Father is our highest goal and aspiration. . . and it will produce the greatest fruit in our lives.
Guilt, condemnation, a sense of unworthiness are all factors that produce separation from our loving heavenly Father. Adam and Eve “hid themselves from the presence of the Lord.” We hide ourselves out of shame.
But we must realize that this is why Jesus came. .. . to deliver us from shame. . . from unworthiness and failure. Sure, we’ve all missed it, but while we were sinners, Christ died for us.
You see, He died so we wouldn’t have to die. He took the punishment on the cross. Justice was served through His sacrifice. Then He arose victorious over sin and death. Now we can receive a free gift of salvation by receiving Jesus Christ. He eliminated the sin problem. Now we can approach God freely. It’s all about relationship.
You say: what can I do? How can I know God. How can I know that I am saved?
The answer is: by receiving Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life.
Pray this simple prayer and make a choice in your heart to follow the Lord:
Dear God. I want to know you. I want to live close you and know you as my Father. I know I have sinned and missed the mark. Forgive me. Change me. Make me a new person. Give me that new life that comes from knowing You. From this day forward, I boldly confess: Jesus Christ is my Master. I will follow Him. I believe He died for me and is risen from the dead and that He gives me eternal life. Amen.