Happy Birthday to Me, Even in December!
By Susan Shanklin
I have had wonderful comments from my Shoofly pie story in December about hurtful words and, in my opinion, yummy pie. Shoofly pie was a childhood favorite, a young mother’s treat for your children dashed by another’s hurtful words and by all means forgiven. Pie unbaked for years, but risen again to conquer ill-thought-out words to grace a Thanksgiving table!
Not too long after the Shoofly pie story we were visiting some friends here in Mankato and the baker of a Shoofly pie from years ago said, “Oh I thought I had made it wrong! But from what you said it’s suppose to taste like that!” (Well, that’s the gist of what she said.)
I laughed! Shoofly pie tastes like molasses. Flour, sugar, butter and molasses is what you get. But to me, I LIKE molasses.
Another person wrote that the taste “was unique.” Another non-molasses fan. Ha!
A man wrote that he hoped someone would bake him one at Christmas time. I don’t know if it happened or not.
Someone wrote that her daughter had tasted it at my home when we were living in Howard Lake, and SHE liked it! Score one for Shoofly pie.
The best comment was from Spring Grove, Minnesota. A dear friend sent some bread pudding home with Tom to give to me since I hadn’t travelled with him to the For His Glory Church service and pot blessing. She stated, “Tell her not to give it to the dogs!”
I laughed and laughed. I ate it heartily and licked my lips.
We all have different tastes, and that’s a good thing I think. Right?
I was bowled over by the well wishes, emails, and cards for my birthday!!! I even had a singing birthday duo phone call from Redwood Falls, Minnesota.
Glory, I felt special and loved.
One card I received read, “Have you heard of the senior birthday prayer? God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and, of course, the eyesight to tell the difference.” Ha!
that the King of Kings and Lord or Lords stole the thunder from your birthday. (You all know I’m trying to be funny here, right?)
Birthdays are so special. It’s your day. Forget the getting older part, but it’s the special day God chose to send you to the earth. It’s a day you should enjoy and celebrate.
When Tom and I got married, I was up front and told him. We celebrate Christmas, and we celebrate my birthday. When I was growing up, I got the combo gifts and no birthday parties. I do remember one though, but that’s all.
So this year was sooooooooooo special! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re in England when you read this! England! Can you believe it?!
I so don’t know what to expect. Suitcases are piled up next to my computer. Tom needs one for books and CDs. There are carryons and a big suitcase. When we arrive, they’ll think we are moving in!
What to take is my problem. India I knew would be hot. I would wear skirts and light tops. Easy pack.
England???? It rains. It’s in the 30s this time of year. Causal dress code or dresses? I read layers is the best plan and water proof footwear. So that is two pairs of shoes, right?
Hat, scarves, and gloves. I have a lined raincoat, bowler style hat, and gloves. Now what to wear under!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited to share and teach as needed too in England. I hope their eyes don’t bug out when I get all excited and start moving and joking around.
Is there not a cause? Isn’t this the day the Lord has made so very well? I could almost leap up and start preaching now!
Have you ever noticed I use a lot of exclamation points in my writing????
Thanks for praying for me and us. It means the world to me.