Gospel on the Fly [Partners Update]
Dear Friends and Partners,
The last month or so has been a very busy and fruitful time of ministry. Susan and I had a wonderful three-day revival at Solid Rock Church in Monroe, Iowa with Pastor John and Stephanie Hlad. I spoke on holiness, the great potential of the local church, and we held a very refreshing healing service. Susan spoke at a Saturday morning women’s brunch. She ministered for an hour and 45 minutes. I told her that she no longer has a right to call me a long-winded preacher.
In late March, Susan and I visited Trinity Fellowship in Rice Lake, Wisconsin with Pastor John and Lydia Kauffman. Pastor John was an Amish minister who received the left foot of fellowship and was shunned after preaching “You Must be Born Again” to his Amish brethren. I preached two messages at Trinity Church—one on holiness (“A Pure Spotless Bride”) and another on the Power of the Holy Spirit and healing from Acts 1-3. People came forward in both services to dedicate or re-dedicate their lives.
Also in March, I spoke at a training session for volunteers of Gentle Shepherd Ministries here in Mankato. The ministry, which is led by Pastor Jerry and Dorphia David, reaches out to residents of care centers, jails and detention centers in southern Minnesota. I spoke on “How to Present the Gospel,” concerning the preparation and presentation of a Gospel message and how to give an invitation. I have also produced a Podcast on the subject. Click here to listen to “How to Preach the Gospel.”
Susan spoke at two spring TOPS rallies (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) in Cold Spring and Lamberton, Minnesota. The people loved her free-spirited and lively presentation and testimony of her weight-loss adventure. Of course, Jesus is the center of her testimony and although it’s not church, it almost is. She had them saying “Amen!” in both places.
Marriage Seminar in Spring Grove
Susan and I taught a marriage seminar at For His Glory Church in Spring Grove in early April. We spoke on “Unity in the Marriage Relationship.” We especially emphasized God’s idea about marriage. Hint: it is a man and a woman, united for life. We felt it was a significant meeting for the church in Spring Grove, and a very important subject for the Body of Christ at large. The devil wants marriages to fail, but they can flourish when you follow the Word of God.
I spoke about our mission to England at Church on the Hill in Chaska, Minnesota. I shared a short version of our video/slideshow and spoke from the burden of my heart about the need for the Church in England and America to awake and be salt and light.
Emphasizing Holiness
Since coming back from England, I have emphasized holiness and repentance, and people are responding. This message is coupled with the revelation that the only way we can live a holy life is by yielding to the Holy Spirit and by faith in God’s Word. I am praying that everywhere we go we will bring a spirit of revival and people will be saved, restored, healed and set on fire to do a work for God on this earth.
Please pray for the Community-Wide Healing Service coming up on Saturday, May 6, at 3 p.m. at the Heritage Events Center in Cresco, Iowa. A number of area churches are participating and we are expecting our great and loving God to touch many lives.
Your financial support, your prayers and your encouragement are very powerful components in our ministry. We do not forget you and we pray for you every day!
Tom Shanklin
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Mailbox & Inbox
Thanks for the Podcast!
Thank you so much for sharing the podcast message about preaching the Gospel. It has encouraged me and ignited a fresh fire within me. Thank you so much! (Pastor David Coffee, Mankato, Minnesota)
Appreciate the Reports!
So glad to hear from you. I just want you to know we do appreciate the reports of how God is using you. What a blessed time, when all are around the throne sharing the glorious things the Lord has done. Even now, as I read your reports, I’m rejoicing for how God is using you and Susan. Truly the reapers are overtaking the plowman. May the blessing of the Lord continue to increase, in Jesus Name. (Missionary to the Philippines)
For Any Group Needing Motivation
I have been fortunate to hear Susan speak several times and each time I come away inspired and motivated. She relates so well with her audience as she tells her story of her weight loss journey. Susan has a gift of bringing her audience into her program. She speaks from the heart. She has lived through being overweight and can relate to members of our TOPS groups with her story in taking off weight and now with keeping it off. Her book, “Help, I Want to Lose Weight!” is fabulous–once you pick it up you won’t put it down until you have read it from cover to cover. I would highly recommend Susan for speaking to any group that needs motivation. (Shari Kieper, TOPS Coordinator for southern Minnesota)
Excellent Training Seminar
We praise the Lord for the excellent training seminar we had for our volunteers recently. Evangelist Tom Shanklin made a presentation on “How to Present the Gospel.” We want all our volunteers to be able to clearly and confidently be able to share the Gospel with our residents. (Pastor Jerry David, Gentle Shepherd Ministries, Mankato, Minnesota)
From a Seminar Attendee
I am praying for great success in your ministry. I am using parts of the teaching on learning to preach the Gospel this coming Sunday and using your ministry as an example. Keep up the good work. (Betty Thorson, New Ulm, MN)