God Still Does Miracles Today!

This woman from Benin testified and demonstrated that she was healed of asthma.
God still does miracles today!
He has not lost His power in His old age. He is still the same as he was in the Bible days. As the Bible says: “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever.” Jesus did miracles when He walked the earth. He did miracles in the days of the early Church. And He still does miracles today! He can become your victory today. The key is for you to believe. Only believe. All things are possible, only believe.
Miracles in Jesus’ Ministry
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are full of the miracles of Jesus’ ministry. The lame walked. The blind saw. The dead were raised. The God of miracles was at work.
Some want to attribute this to a special visitation of God’s Son. Something for then, not for now. But the Bible says that Jesus is still alive! He’s not dead! He alive! He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Religious paintings picture Christ grotesquely hanging on the cross. The religious world has pictured Him that way. But I want you to know the truth: He’s not on the cross. He’s not in the grave. He’s alive forevermore.
The cross was a place of defeat. It was the place of punishment for sin. Jesus bore our sin and shame at the cross and went to the grave as a result of the sins of the whole world. If anything exemplifies the failure of mankind and our destitute nature without God, it is the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus went to that cross, the Bible says, despising the shame. He was buried and for three days lie dead in the tomb.
But God didn’t leave His Son in the grave. He raised Him from the dead, and He is alive today. He prayed that the same Spirit that lived in Him would also live in us, and He told us that we would do the same works which He accomplished and greater works.
Does that sound like the “age of miracles” was about to close? Does that sound like a God that was going into retirement?
I tell you the truth: God still does miracles today!
Miracles in the Early Church
Jesus had died. He was resurrected. And about 500 people had seen Him alive. Then He had left the earth to sit at the right hand of the throne of God in heaven. Many of His disciples had seen Him.
But to the world, He was dead.
They crucified Him and He was gone.
His ministry and all the hubhub, all the breaking of tradition, was finished. It was back to normal … religion as usual.
But one day Peter and John went to the temple to pray. A man was lying by the gate who had never walked a day in his life. He was lame from birth. Day by day, he sat in that place of misery … begging for alms from the worshippers entering into the temple.
That day as he begged, Peter looked at him, saying, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”
I thought Jesus was dead, the beggar must have thought. The age of miracles is over, isn’t it?
But in the tremendous boldness of his faith, the impetuous fisherman latched hold of his hand and pulled him to his feet refusing to succumb to doubt and unbelief. As he did, the man’s feeble ankles received strength. Realizing it, he leaped up and began to walk and leap and praise God.
Imagine the pious atmosphere of the temple that day. All the religious pomp and circumstance was suddenly shaken to the roots. We can’t have this. Jesus is dead. The miracles are over. Let’s restore some order here.
But Peter began to preach. He told them that they had killed the Prince of Life, Jesus, but that God had raised Him from the dead. Through the mighty name of the risen Savior, he said, this man was healed.
Glory to God!
God’s not dead!
He’s still alive!
God still does miracles today!
The Miracle of Salvation
That Peter told the crowd of people to repent … to turn from sin and unbelief. He said if they would turn from sin and believe in Jesus that God would forgive them and refresh them with His presence.
What a tremendous revelation!
Maybe you’re reading this. You’ve sinned. You’re like the men who Peter was preaching to. You’ve crucified Jesus. No, you weren’t there that day He was crucified, but your sins were. It was for those sins that He died … for the punishment which you deserved.
Now, today, by receiving that forgiveness so freely offered, by turning your back from sin and making Jesus Christ the ruler of your life, you can have a new life.
Just pray right now, “Oh God, I’ve been a sinner. I helped to send Jesus to the cross with my sin. But I’m tired of sin. I’m tired of guilt. Forgive me of my sin today. Give me a new life today. I believe Jesus is alive, and I receive Him as my personal Lord and Savior today. Thank you Father for eternal life.”
If you prayed that prayer, meaning it with all your heart, I declare to you in the name of Jesus that your sins are forgiven and you have begun a new life from this day forth.
This is the nature of our God. That’s why He sent Jesus. Because He loves us, wants to forgive us, heal us, and deliver us. God is on your side. That is why he does miracles today. That is why He will do a miracle for you today if you will let Him. Begin to believe now that his promises are for you today. Renounce all the traditions of man that have taught you otherwise. God is the God of today. And He will be your victory today.
Miracles Today!
When we were pastoring in northern Minnesota, a friend of ours brought her mother to our house one day. Wracked with pain from arthritis, the woman was suffering terribly. We anointed her with oil and prayed the prayer of faith. The pain began to recede and she went home. From that day, arthritis had no hold on this woman she was totally free.
God still does miracles today!
Sometime later, I came in contact with another lady who was a friend of this woman. She told me that she had been suffering from pain in her shoulder from arthritis or bursitis. I just led her in a simple confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and showed her in the Bible where it says “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” She was a “they” and I was a “they,” so we decided to put it into practice.
I prayed the prayer of faith for her, and she was delivered from pain.
You couldn’t tell her the age of miracles is over. She wouldn’t believe you. She knew that Jesus is alive.
One summer, we were holding tent meetings. In one of the meetings in Annandale, Minnesota I was preaching on the “Power of the Spirit,” and I began to share these testimonies. The first woman that I mentioned with the terrible arthritis pains happened to be visiting and was in the service that night. She testified what God had done for her.
Then I said, “Is there anyone here with arthritis? We want to put this scripture into practice. Jesus said, ‘They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover,’ so I believe we can take His word for it.”
A young lady who had suffered from arthritis in her back came forward that night and was instantly healed.
This kind of thing is becoming a common occurrence. A man in our church was having problems with his bowel and suffering terribly. Finally, his wife took him to the doctor who discovered a cyst up in his large intestine. He was scheduled for outpatient surgery the next day.
A lady from our church went to his house that night, however. She and the man’s family anointed him with oil and prayed the prayer of faith and prayed in the Spirit for the man. The next day, they took him to the doctor, but the cyst was gone. Only a small red spot remained, so they sent him home.
Glory to God! God still does miracles today!
Do You Need a Miracle?
Do you need a miracle?
Maybe it’s for healing or maybe something else—finances, the salvation of a loved one, deliverance from drugs or alcohol. It doesn’t matter what it is. Get ahold of the Miracle Worker. Get ahold of Jesus. Believe him and obey him completely. As the scripture says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
You may need to be like the woman with the issue of blood who had to press through a crowd to get to Jesus. You may need to press through a crowd of doubt and unbelief, negative thoughts, and negative words. People will oppose you when you take God at His Word. But press on, the rewards are great. All things are possible to him that believes.
Once we were watching a life satellite broadcast from Nigeria, Africa. Over 250,000 people were gathered to hear the Word of God and experience His power. After the message and prayer, people were asked to come and testify of the healings they had received. There were lame people that could now walk. Deaf people could now hear, and many other tremendous miracles occurred.
While we were watching the broadcast in our church, several people were instantly healed as faith arose in their hearts during the service. One woman was healed of severe pain from pleurisy. Another was healed of a problem with her wrist which she thought she would need surgery for. Someone else was healed of back and shoulder pain. God is in the miracle business. Believe Him today!
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
As Jesus told the ruler of the synagogue whose daughter had died, “Be not afraid, only believe.”
Jesus is alive! He’s not dead!
God still does miracles today!
A Prayer for Miracles
Dear Father, I believe that you still do miracles today! I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He did in His days on the earth, and what He did in the early Church, He is still doing today. I open my heart to your miracle power today. Heal my body! Heal my mind! Heal my family! I welcome your miracle power into my life. Be glorified in the earth today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This post originally appeared on Tom Shanklin Ministries in November of 2005.
The Message That Brings Miracles [Audio & Video]