God is Moving All Around the World! [Ministry Update]
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. (Psalms 68:11, AV)
One of the great joys of our ministry is working with missionaries and evangelists around the world. Susan and I pray for our co-laborers daily, and do our best to encourage them and help them with the work that they are doing. It’s exciting to see that God is moving all around the world!
Our missionary to East Africa, Pastor Davis Juma of Kenya, held a revival in Dar es Salam, Tanzania. He reported that 46 people received Christ and 27 people rededicated their lives to the Lord in the first two days of his meeetings. “Tanzania is receiving the message of the cross,” Pastor Juma said.
Pastor Stan and Sarah Strunc, missionaries to Europe who are living in the UK, just returned from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They held meetings in both of those nations, and saw people coming to the Lord, being restored, and encouraged. People from all over those two nations attended their meetings. Stan and Sarah now have well over 2,000 subscribers to their YouTube Channel, mainly from Stan’s homeland, the Czech Republic, as well as people from other European nations who are conversant in the Czech language.
Stan reports that Europe is embracing many of the 5 million Ukrainian refugees (mostly women and children). The Czech Republic alone has welcomed 300,000 refugees. Many people are opening their homes and pocketbooks to meet the need. Some hotels are even providing rooms for free. Many of the Ukrainian refugees are Christians, and Stan and Sarah are praying that God will turn this horrible situation around and use the Ukrainians to reach the rest of Europe with the Gospel.
God is Moving in the US Too!
In April, Susan and I attended the Pastors’ Conference, which is held each spring and fall at Holy Life Tabernacle in Brookings, South Dakota. Pastor Dave Kaufman spoke on “Ministering in Love,” warning us to not get caught up in anger toward those who oppose us or have different viewpoints. We are called to love our enemies and not to live by our flesh, which wants to lash out at those who think differently, act differently, or look differently than we do. We need to be careful not to be a part of all the hatred and strife that is in the world today.
I also had an opportunity to speak at the conference. I spoke on “Preachers Need Mercy Too.” It was a great blessing for me to preach once again in person, as I have been limited to ministering online by Zoom, YouTube, by email, by phone, and one-on-one since my back surgery in January. Thankfully, I was able to stand up and deliver my message and receive some amens from the ministers, who were blessed by the message. You can listen to the audio recording here>>>
We are praying for you every day! Please contact us if you have any specific prayer needs.