God Confirms His Word, Not Man’s Opinions!
And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” Mark 16:20, KJV.
One thing that I have found out—God confirms His Word with signs following.
Whether your are ministering to a group or an individual, let the Word do the work. Have confidence, not in yourself, but in His Word. When you do, signs will follow. People will get saved, restored, healed and delivered. It cannot fail!
Too often we depend on our own strength. We think, I’m too tired, nothing can happen here. Or I’m really up emotionally, this is going to be a great meeting. But I have found that regardless of emotions or physical strength, God’s Word works.
I have found that I can have confidence wherever I go and whatever situation I face, because it is not me that is doing the work. It is the Word. I can make my slogan, “Have Bible, Will Travel.” All I really need is the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit and we can have a move of God.
I remember a meeting we had at a village in India during our last trip there. I was so tired I could barely stand up to minister. My preparation for the meeting was nil. We were in meetings throughout the day and we were ministering at night after a fairly long drive. I more or less grabbed a text and started preaching. If anything depended on my strength or ability, we were all in big trouble. That night a number of people came to Jesus for salvation! A woman who was partially blind was healed! Later, we received reports that women at that meeting who we prayed for because of miscarriages have since carried babies to healthy full term. God is good all the time! Even when we’re tired. Hallelujah!
God confirms His Word. It doesn’t say He confirms…
- Our eloquent speech
- Our opinions about the Word
- Our current popular teaching trends
- Our religious traditions
No, He confirms the Word. The more we preach the Word, the more it will work. So weed out the traditions that are in your preaching. Weed out the doubt and unbelief. Weed out the theories you have. Weed out all the doctrines you are borrowing from popular teachers. Take an honest look at what you are believing and saying. Get back to the Word, and you will see results!