Festival of Hope, Missions Night, and Nepal
By Tom Shanklin
In late September, we held a Festival of Hope, which has become an annual event at the Hyberg Park in Twin Valley, Minnesota. This is the town where we started our first church back in the early ‘80s. Area churches and musical groups worked together in unity and harmony. I sensed in my spirit that this year’s festival was significant to the plan of God for that area.
A young man named Trevor Krebsbach of Waubon, MN, sang some of his original music. After his session, Pastor Norm Gullingsrud of Good News Fellowship in Gary, MN, asked us all to pray for Trevor. It was then that a prophetic word came forth concerning the next generation. The Spirit of God exhorted the younger Christians to build upon what had been accomplished by the older generation. And the Lord was directing the older saints to focus on discipling and preparing the younger generation for the work ahead. I felt that it was a very significant word not only for that area in northern Minnesota but for all of the Body of Christ.
Missions Night 2014
Susan and I were blessed by everyone who came to our Missions Night here in Mankato on October 26. There were people from Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal and Independent churches. As we opened the service, Susan made the statement, “The most important thing is to tell people about Jesus!” That pretty much sums up the theme of our Missions Night, as well is the thrust of Tom Shanklin Ministries.
I shared the history of our ministry and a short slideshow/video with photos from the 10 nations where we have ministered so far and a vision for the future. Pastor Bob Holmbeck of Gaylord Assembly of God led us in prayer and we received an offering of $1425 towards the mission to Nepal. Thanks to all who attended this event and to those who prayed for it. It was a night to remember in the history of our ministry. It really encouraged Susan and me to continue the work we are doing.
Next stop—Nepal
Thank you for praying for our upcoming mission to Nepal November 7-23. We have conferences and outreaches planned in three different locations in Nepal. Although I am the one physically going, I know that you are going with me through your prayers and financial support.
Nepal is 55 percent unevangelized, but it is a nation that is now primed for the Gospel. When I traveled there last November. I saw people literally shaking under the power of God as they repented and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I saw ministers full of passion to reach their nation. They devoured our messages like a hungry farmer might eat a T-bone steak.
I think of one young minister, who after a pastors conference said to me, “When you were preaching, it was very much challenging for us. Now, God is going to heal this nation. God is going to raise up leaders from this nation and God will turn this nation upside down. Soon and very soon we are going to see this.” The next day this same young man went out and held an evangelistic event in which 38 people were baptized. God is moving powerfully by His Spirit in Nepal and you and I are privileged to have a part of it. Praise God!
What a joy to serve the Lord! What a joy to preach this glorious Gospel! Thank you for being a part of it! Your continued generous support enables us to respond when the call comes to go and preach the Gospel, whether it be here in the U.S. or around the world. The scripture says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14, KJV.
Pray for us! We’ll pray for you! Power will be released! This Gospel will be preached, and Jesus will come again! May God bless you richly, in Jesus’ name.