Father God’s Amazing Love!
The parable of the Prodigal Son encapsulates the entire story of the Bible. A father had a son who left home for “greener pastures.” When he found that the pastures were not so green, He returned home intending to beg for forgiveness and ask to become (not a son) but a servant in His father’s house. The father, however, did not want a servant, but He wanted his son back. He was moved with compassion and ran and embraced his neck and kissed him and restored him to his full inheritance.
“So he arose and came to his father.“ But while he was yet far away, his father saw him and was moved with compassion, and ran and embraced his neck and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20, MEV)
This picture of the father running down the road with dust flying off his sandals and love in his heart and then smothering his son with hugs and kisses tells me something about Father God’s amazing love. He loves us and wants us to be with Him. All of us, like sheep, have gone astray, but the Father has made a way through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus for us to return home.
Jesus said, ”In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2, MEV) And yet, our Father does not want to wait for us to get to heaven to spend time with us, He wants to be with us now. We can fellowship with Him every day right here on earth. We can come to Him with confidence, knowing that we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and that we have a secure connection to Him by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was consumed with His relationship with His Father. The word “Father” is used 134 times in the Gospel of John alone. In most cases, Jesus was talking about His own relationship and dependence upon His Father, and how He wanted each of us to share with Him in this same relationship.
Jesus made the way for us to come to our Father. Like the prodigal son, when we come to Him in true repentance, our Father does not condemn us for our weakness and failures. He forgives us. And he does not make us to grovel in the dust, before sending us to the bunkhouse with the hired hands, He restores us to full sonship, and all that comes with it.
The father of the Prodigal Son had his servants bring the best robe, shoes, and a ring for his finger. These all represent the blessings that come from being a child in the family of God. Likewise, you are a joint heir with Jesus of all the blessings of heaven.
If you need healing, finances, a relationship restored, peace in your heart, or deliverance from a habit, go to your heavenly Father. He is the One who will run out to meet you where you are and bring you home. Go to Him in Jesus’ name, the One who died so that you could come home and enjoy all the blessings of the Father’s house.
I want to encourage you. Enjoy your heavenly Father! Spend time with Him! Receive His love. You need Him! He wants you! Spend time with Him and feed on His Word. You will realize that all that He has is yours. (Luke 15:31)