Doing the Works of Jesus
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12, KJV.
This is one of the most astounding verses in the entire Bible, and it is just as true as John 3:16, Genesis 1:1 or any other verse. It’s the truth…and the truth will set you free. Think of it! Jesus, the Son of the living God, said that we, His believers, would do the same works that He did, and greater works. What a life-altering thought! I have meditated on this verse for years. In fact, in my Bible, wherever I see Jesus doing a mighty work, I have written “John 14:12” in the margin to remind myself that He expects me to do the same things.
How is it that you and I could do the works of Jesus—healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, walking on water, feeding the multitudes? How is it possible? There is only one way—by the power of the Holy Spirit. In fact, this is the way that Jesus did these things. As the Scripture says, “He stripped Himself of His glory, and took on Him the nature of a bondservant by becoming a man like other men.” Philippians 2:7, Weymouth. In other words, when He came to earth, He left His divine attributes behind. He was still the divine Son of God, but He left His omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience behind, and became like you and me. We see in the Gospel accounts that Jesus did no miracle until after the Holy Spirit came upon Him when He was baptized in the river Jordan. Then He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and fasted 40 days and returned in the power of the Spirit. Only then we do we see the mighty works of God manifested in His life. This gives us a powerful clue as to how we might do the same works that He did. It can only come through our connection with and utter dependence upon God through the Holy Spirit.
God manifests Himself to us is by the Holy Spirit. God the Father is in heaven. God the Son is at His right hand, but God the Holy Spirit is here. In fact, He lives in the believer! As Jesus said, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” John 14:16, 17, KJV. Jesus said that we would do the works that He did “because I go to the Father.” When He went to the Father, then He poured out the Holy Spirit (See Acts 2) and the mighty works of God began to occur in the life of the early church.
So what stands between us and the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise that we would do the works that He did, and greater works? The answer it right in John 14:12 where He says, “He that believeth in me…” So the question is: do we believe in Him? I mean really believe? In some cases, I think we would have to say “No.” We may believe that He forgives our sins, that our sin was placed upon Jesus on the cross. But do we actually believe that He lives in us, and therefore is capable of duplicating the ministry of Jesus in us? So then we see that our problem is unbelief! But the good news is that there is a cure, because the Scripture says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17, KJV.
So today I want to challenge you to press into the works of Jesus. But you say, “How?” By casting aside the limitations of your thinking and by ingesting the ever living Word of God. Study God’s Word to find out who you really are and what God has done for you in Christ. Move beyond the revelation of God’s forgiveness and move into the divine life. You are not God, but as a believer, God lives in you. Just as Jesus, operating as a man, was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave glory to His Father, so you can continue this ministry of bringing salvation, hope, healing and deliverance to mankind. Get in the Word! Find out who you are, what you have, and what you can do. Meditate on these things until you can see yourself casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, and doing the greatest work of all, leading people to Christ. Then get out there and do it! Put into practice what you have learned and seen in the Word of God. I promise you—your life will never be boring again! (For more, request our Free CD offer this month, “Doing the Works of Jesus.”)