BSOM231: Cooperating with Your Calling [Audio & Video]
God has a special purpose for your life, but it’s not automatically fulfilled. In this message we talk about coooperating with your calling and the keys which will open the door to moving into your destiny step by step.
Translation into Czech is by Stan Strunc of In His Love Ministries.
Visit Stan Strunc’s YouTube Channel
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Notes: The Call of God II: Cooperating with Your Calling
MT: You must cooperate with the call of God in order for it to be fulfilled.
Acts 9:1-8,15-16 Lord, what would you have me to do?
You must follow the Lord step by step.
Eph 4:1-12
v1 prisoner (in bonds to the Lord) walk in manner worth of your vocation, calling, invitation.
v2 humility, forebearing (sustain, bear, endure) one another (members of the body)
v3 endeavoring (exert oneself) to KEEP the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. Not always possible, but be sure to do your part. Fulfiling your call involves a right relationship with the Body of Chirst (the Church) Don’t be a troublemaker. Be a peacemaker. This is walking worthy of your calling.
v4-6 one body, one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one God and Father, who is above all, thorugh all, and in you all. Respect the body of Christ even if your disagree or are different.
v7 given grace according to the gift of Christ. My gift is different than yours. Unique members. We need one another. Your calling is a gift. You are given grace fo fulfill your ministry, You can’t do it alone. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you.
Everyone’s part is equally important. Stay humble. Grace for your specific calling. Eph 2:8 salvation; Eph 4 call; God’s ability, 1 Pet 5:6 Sometimes, we don’’t value other people’s calling as we should. Moms. Business people. Teachers. The grandma who prays and takes care of her grandchildren is just as important as a pastor or and apostle.
v 8-9 When Jesus ascended, He gave gifts; you are gifted to fulfill your ministry
v10 The purpose of this is to fill all things. Eph 1:23, Numbers 14:23, Habbakuk 2:14
v 11 He gave 5 gifts to equip the saints. These gifts are still operating today.
v12 These ministries equip the saints to do the work and build the body.
Finding your calling can be a process. As you obey the general call and do what your hand finds to do, God will gradually move you in to your calling. Many ministers are operating outside of their true calling. Some people are pastors that should be businessmen. Some are businessmen that should be pastors. Some are so wrapped up in the world that they are not effective in any work for the Lord. Story: Bruce S. Farmer. Anointed. More effective than many ministers. Listening to the Holy Ghost. Many people live and die and never fulfill their specific calling.
Mk. 1:17 Follow me and I will make you
Jn. 8:12 He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life
CONCLUSION: God has a purpose for your life. Be sure you don’t miss it!
Help for Cooperating with Your Calling:
Walk in Love & Walk in the Blessing of God