Are You Watching the Forecast?
By Susan Shanklin
Finally! Finally we had a good old fashion snow storm yesterday. Storm warnings went out and you’re not sure if you believe them or not. It seems like the weather forecasters are always crying wolf when it comes to snow this winter.
The weather has been so unseasonal in Minnesota this year. Tom called it a brown winter instead of a white one.
I’m a weather watcher. I have two apps on my iPad, computer and iPhone. I’ve got to know the weather where my kids live, my area and where Tom will be traveling to. I watched the temperatures and humidity of Hyderabad, India for a good month or two before I went. I don’t want to be caught off guard.
First the forecasters say 3 to 4 inches of snow. Then they say 6 to 8 inches. Danger! Danger! Don’t travel. Dress warm so that you don’t freeze your flesh. Stay home.
THEN they say 9 to 11 inches of white blowing snow to start around 3 in the afternoon.
What! I don’t believe you I say, trying to egg on the storm. I’ll believe it when I see it.
I start my day early with water aerobics at the “Y” at 8 a.m. Doesn’t look like snow. It doesn’t smell like snow. It’s not going to snow, I say.
“It’s coming,” says the weather sites on my iPhone. Oh, I don’t believe you. You said that a hundred times already this December and we got zip, nada, zilch. Well, once we got a dusting.
I run to Aldi after the “Y” for some almond milk and ‘real’ milk since Eve our MPLS granddaughter is spending New Year’s Eve with us. I think maybe I should pick up a side of beef just in case we get snowed in and some extra treats for Eve. It might be days before they plow us out. Nah, it’s not going to snow. I leave with about 11 items which the clerk throws in my cart after checking, Man, I hate that! Anyway I head to Walmart for dog food, surveying the skies for a hint of snow. Nope, doesn’t look like snow. Doesn’t smell like snow. It’s not going to snow.
While I pick up dog food I check out the clearance racks of children’s coats and snow pants. Mmmm, Eve might need them just in case we have to walk uphill both ways to town and back if the plows don’t get through. I pick up an 11 dollar black quilted coat with a pink lined hood and 13 dollar bib black snow pants. That should keep her warm with some layers under them, me thinks.
Boots, she needs boots. Her mother said she left her boots at school. Man, they want $30 for them! Oh well, what do you do….they’re pink? In the cart they go with the dog food.
I walk out of Walmart, smell the air, look at the sky. Nope, it’s not going to snow. I check the weather again and think about the $30 moon boots, aka snow boots. Surely they must have a pair of boots at the Goodwill store, right GOD?
Off to the Goodwill store navigating the roundabouts. Yes Mankato is now famous for our too numerous to mention roundabouts. I park my little red Honda CRV pointing outward for a quick escape and walk in the store looking at the sky and smelling the air. Sniffffffffffff. No, it’s not going to snow.
I wander to the back of the store to the children’s section, hoping and praying for a pair of not too badly abused girls snow boots, size 12. There’s shabby furry white ones, size 13. Blue ones and black ones, but they won’t do, and then I spot a black pair with pink lines in the soles. They’re a size 12 and for ONLY $3.99 and I have a 25% off coupon! Yes! Come on you white stuff! Bring it on. I find a pair of Lands End black mittens and I skip to checkout and even donate 25 cents to round off the amount of sale.
Mmmm, I better get home, have to make lunch for Tom, check on the sick barn cat, throw some clothes in the washer, rinse my swim suit and go to the dentist at three o’clock.
I keep checking the iPad weather app. They say snow.
It’s getting darker outside.
I better change for the trip to the dentist. What’s that…a snow flake? Oh, another. Another another. Oh, now they’re going side ways. Faster and faster. It’s sticking to the ground. Oh, oh! “Hey Tom, you want to drive me to the dentist it’s SNOWING like cats and dogs, chickens and pigs.”
Well that was yesterday and today I woke up to 9 inches sparkling twinkling white snow.
Yep, and I read a forecast that Jesus is coming back too. Hope you’re prepared!
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