An Update on the Tabitha Project Sewing Center in Benin

An apprentice with a dress she produced at the Tabitha Project Sewing Center.
I wanted to give you an update on the Tabitha Project sewing center, which we helped to begin in Benin, West Africa.
The Tabitha Project is based on the woman named Tabitha in Acts 9:36-43 and has a goal of restoring the women of Benin to life spiritually, emotionally, financially, socially, and physically, to cause them to see their value and purpose in life, and release the beauty which is within them.
The average annual income in Benin is $828, and many women are desperate for a way to make a living. Without income, many of them have no hope and are forced into unhappy marriages at an early age. We are praying that through the Tabitha Project, God can give them a more prosperous and fruitful future.
With the help of our partners, we were able to launch the sewing center by purchasing four sewing machines, including one high-quality industrial machine. We also were able to provide finances for three months of salary for a dressmaker last year. The dressmaker also serves as a teacher to the young women who want to learn the craft of sewing and dressmaking.
Rev. Isaac and Hortense Clossou report that the center has received requests from clients for tailor-made clothing. We have been praying for a marketing plan, and custom-made clothing seems to be the avenue that is opening up. They previously were selling clothing at the open market, but this was only generating a small amount of income.
The great need now is for and ongoing salary for the dressmaker/teacher, whom they have not been able to continue supporting. We would like to raise enough funds for one year of salary. This will provide job security for the dressmaker/teacher, provide stability for the center, and enable the vision to develop. The salary for the dressmaker/teacher is $125 a month, or about $1,500 for the year. If you would like to contribute to this need, you can click below.
Benin Bible School Update
At the end of 2021, the dormitory which our ministry partners helped to build at Mt. Moriah Bible School in Danzounmey, Benin, West Africa, was completed.
Rev. Clossou reports that the school is going well and growing. Since the graduation ceremony last November, they have now registered 13 new students, two full-time (which are living in the dormitory) and 11 part-time. Classes began in late May.
In addition, an International Missions Conference was held on the grounds of the Bible School and Retreat Center in March 2022. About 100 people, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, and Christian workers from four nations (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Togo) attended. They were challenged to win souls, plant churches, and make disciples.
On the Move Again
By the grace of God, I have been able to travel again and am scheduling some meetings for this summer. I am seeing some progress with my back issues and am looking to Jehovah Rapha (the Lord my Healer) for complete healing and restoration.
Susan and I had a great time at the Country Church in Ruthton, Minnesota, in May. Susan spoke a word of encouragement on hope, and I shared a message called “Expect a Miracle.” You can listen to the message or watch the video here.
I also spoke at Trinity Fellowship in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, where I shared on “Experiencing God,” a message of encouragement to cultivate a deeper personal relationship with the Lord.
We are praying for great blessings upon you and your family this summer and in the days to come. Keep your eyes on Jesus!