Share the Good News!

What to Do in Overwhelming Times of Troubles

I have keenly read this message and sent it to my friend pastor who has said he will print it and modify it for his facebook sermon tomorrow. Just as i have been blessed by it I want others to be blessed too and in case you see a similar message somewhere just know the church leaders I am  sharing with are the ones circulating it. Thank you God for inspiring your servant. Blessing! Yours In God’s Service, Pastor Davis Ochieno Juma, Kenya

Healed After Watching Video 

Thank you for your ministry! I’ve been watching your videos and have really been blessed! After watching the “Healing and Forgiveness Go Together” video, the Lord healed me of an infection that I was dealing with for the past three weeks. Praise the Lord!! God is good! (Minnesota)

Glad You’re Continuing

I’m so thankful for you two and am so glad that you CONTINUE to send out your messages of encouragement! Our prayers are with you and we hope to see you ‘in the flesh” soon!  Till then we will always be enriched by the Word of God that you so ably impart to our hearts! Love and Blessings through Him,  (Minnesota)

Jesus Has Time for You Video

I just watched your video.  Good message.  I also had a good laugh over the cat scream. (Southern Minnesota)

Thanks you guys! Hope Susan is okay after the cat attack! (Northern Minnesota)

Hope you are all doing well.  I just wanted to let you know I was watching your YouTube video, “Jesus Has Time For You.”  I really enjoyed it and appreciate you guys doing this. 

Mission to Europe Video

What a beautiful tribute to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You both radiate the Joy of the Holy Spirit! (Arizona)

My wife and I are so happy to watch a touchable video of healing and deliverance service during your trip to Poland, Slovakia, and Poland in February this year. Truly, it is encouraging and building our faith to see the way God is using you and Susan in a mighty way. (Pastor from Kenya)

Beautiful! Thanks for “Loving to Tell The Story… of Jesus and His Love!” (Northern Minnesota)

Loved Your Newsletter

I loved your newsletter, a challenging message from Tom, and Susan’s exciting “tell-it-like-it-is” experiences. God gave you, Susan, so many talents, which you use in unique and God-pleasing ways. Then I thank HIM for allowing me to live to see and experience HIS amazing work in your ministries. Every month when I receive your fully packed, powerful messages, I say to my self, “Look what God has wrought!” So I wait for next month’s report on seed planting and harvest. (Illinois)

Online Communion Service

Very good message. I thought it is a timely word in how you connected the communion with the Passover. Jesus’ blood is so powerful and protects us. Thank you for not letting the virus keep you from ministering. I am always so encouraged by you both. (North Mankato, Minnesota)

Encouraged by Europe Mission Report

Praise the Lord. I was so encouraged by the great report of the working of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We were backing you here in the Philippines with our prayers. Reading the reports made me wish I could have been with you. (Missionary to the Philippines)

Healed from Online Healing Service

Praise the Lord I am and was healed. Prayer was for pain in my arm and in female parts. Arm was checked by a licensed therapeutic massage therapist and I had no pain then and since. Female parts and underlying cause—pain and underlying cause gone—totally and none since. (Minnesota)

Receiving Online Teachings for 12 Years

My wife and I thank you so much for your continuous support of online Bible studies, teachings, prayer, and encouraging words which we have been receiving from you for the last 12 years! Truly, the teachings have become a source of blessing to us, and we have been using them as a tool to teach our people in the ministry during home Bible fellowships, Bible studies, prayer meetings, and during leaders meetings. And also your online Bible studies helped me to reach out to the lost and bring them to the Kingdom of God through repentance, salvation, healing, deliverance and restoration, in Jesus Name. (Pastor from Kenya)

Listening to Healing CD Daily

I am enjoying your Healing CD daily Bro. Tom. It keeps my spirit strong to stay in divine health. I also sent one to my sister. (South Dakota)