Share the Good News!

“Go‭‭ into‭ all‭ the world‭ and preach‭‭ the gospel‭ to every‭ creature‭.‭ (Mark 16:15, NKJV).

Tom Shanklin Ministries is a multi-faceted interdenominational evangelistic ministry dedicated to taking the whole Gospel to the whole world. Our goal is to share the Good News of God’s love and redemptive plan with everyone. Through evangelistic events, healing services, evangelism training, local church ministry, and media, we are sharing a message of spiritual, emotional, physical, and relational healing to a lost, hurting, and needy world.

We are not limited to working with one denomination, group, stream, or local church, but we are called by God to unite with Christ’s entire body of Christ to bring in the harvest in these last days. We share in the common goal of reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join hands with us, as the Holy Spirit leads you, to see a great harvest of souls in the earth, that Jesus may be lifted up and our heavenly Father may be glorified.

Our Vision

The vision of Tom Shanklin Ministries is to unite with the whole Body of Christ to reach the whole world with the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

The mission of Tom Shanklin Ministries is to take the Gospel to the world by reaching the lost, encouraging believers, and strengthening churches.

Our Core Values (C.H.I.E.F)

  • Compassion
  • Healing
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Faithfulness

Board of Directors

Tom Shanklin Ministries is an affiliate  ministry with the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministries International, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Tom Shanklin Ministries is governed by our Board of Directors, which consists of Tom and Susan Shanklin and three other Gospel ministers.

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