A Trip to the YMCA: It All Has a Purpose
By Susan Shanklin
I was out the door at 9:30 this morning with my rather cute vintage looking gym bag-slash-extra large purse to go to my water aerobic class at the YMCA. I like to go a few minutes early so I can start out in the smaller and much warmer pool before immersion into the much colder lap pool.
I arrive at the front desk of the Y to swipe my card, and a young man in his early twenties greets me with the pleasantries of the day and asks if it’s still blowing outside? I say, “No, it’s rather nice out. Almost like spring.” He responds with warmer weather chatter and I descend to the lower level to the the locker room and pools.
I say, “Hello,” verbally or a quick nod and smile to the other ladies (old and young). Some I know from class or some I know just from going so frequently even though they aren’t in my class.
I select my locker. Kind of close quarters, but no one ever complains.
I’m already prepared, for I have my bathing suit under my clothes.
You can overhear conversations about health issues or good places to eat lunch.
I myself today was interested in hearing about a little restaurant in a nearby town that serves lunches only, and the cook bakes five different desserts a day!
I start to ask the location and directions and start making conversation that is also overheard and many different ladies start to chime in.
Chatter chatter. Locker doors slam. People trying to squeeze by. Someone is trying to ask a question from the far corner of the room. We wait for an unknown authority who will be able to answer.
The locker room ebbs and flows with activity like this on many mornings.
Once in the pool area, it’s a little more spacious and open. There are life guards, moms with little toddlers this morning, lap swimmers, and water walkers (not the Jesus kind). Ones that just walk in the water, not on it.
I don’t do much talking because I’m just trying to breathe from the shock of the water. I’ll talk later!
It’s almost 10 o’clock, so I leave the warm pool to quickly shuffle over to the COLD lap pool to start my class.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Oh my goodness, it’s cold today but that’s what I say everyday. Everyone nods.
Our teacher greets us and encourages us to move and get warmed up. We stretch. We bend. We move. We listen and we follow.
The instructor, Julie, keeps giving directions and we try to imitate. Today, there was a new lady joining us. Julie welcomes her and we found out her name.
As I was huffing and puffing, I said “My name is Susan.”
She smiled and we all started to chatter.
More huffing and puffing. Bending and twisting. Kicking and grunting for one hour.
I head to the showers and the locker room and the chatter continues it’s usual ebb and flow. I leave knowing I will return and look forward to returning again for chatter, strengthening the body and human interaction.
Sounds like church! Show up early, show yourself friendly, no complaining, come prepared, be interested in good food, get warmed up, listen to the pastor, follow along for one hour…..or more, be friendly to visitors and look forward to coming back.
Yah, that’s church … or it should be.
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