Share the Good News!

reach your communityWe want to help YOU reach YOUR community!

The focus of our ministry is proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, encouraging churches, and training believers in their ministry of reaching the world for Christ. God has given us grace to minister by the Holy Spirit to people of many different denominational backgrounds. We have seen a lot of wonderful fruit from this ministry—people born again, healed, filled with the Spirit, and turned on to reaching others with God’s Good News.

My wife, Susan, and I came out of the hippie movement back in the ’70s. In 1977, Jesus captivated our lives with His love and we were delivered completely from drugs and alcohol and transformed by the power of God. This started a major change of course for our lives. In 1983, I became a pastor of a small church in northern Minnesota. We pastored faithfully in Minnesota and North Dakota for 22 years, while at the same time reaching out through evangelism and missions. Our ministry has touched many nations, including the United States, Mexico, Haiti, Canada, Kenya, Ukraine, China, Thailand, India, Nepal, and Benin, West Africa. Since 2005, we have been in full-time evangelistic ministry.

My wife has served alongside me through the years and at times travels with me. She is a gifted minister and brings a anointing of joy, laughter, encouragement, and scriptural truth. She is an engaging speaker to people of all ages, and brings an unexpected, fresh and creative outlook to life as a follower of Christ.

I believe that the greatest resource for ministry is sitting in our churches each Sunday morning and it is our job to equip them, encourage them, and release them to reach their world for Jesus Christ. I also believe that the ministry of the evangelist is a vital and necessary key to unlock the treasure that is in our churches—through inspiration, example, training, and impartation.

Here’s some of the ways that we can help you to reach your community:

  • Community-wide Outreach Events
  • Evangelistic Services in Your Church
  • Healing Services
  • Ministry of Encouragement to the Local Church and Pastors.
  • Evangelism and Missions Conferences
  • Believers School of Ministry
  • Youth Events
  • Men’s Events with Tom Shanklin
  • Women’s Events with Susan Shanklin
  • Adult, Youth, or Children Sunday School Classes and Home Groups
  • Outreach into your community at jails, nursing homes, civic groups, luncheons, or other events.

In our Believers School of Ministry, Christians learn by hands-on experience the skills of witnessing, praying for the sick, moving out in the gifts of the Spirit, and fulfilling the great commission according to Mark 16:15-20.

Contact us if you would like to explore these and other creative ways that we can work together. We can come for a Sunday morning and evening, for a weekend, or more. When we come, our goal is to serve, build up, encourage, and strengthen the local church, and to assist and encourage pastors in the work they are doing. We have no fee or set offering for our ministry. If you wish, you can receive an offering for our ministry during the services when we minister to help us to continue to reach the world with the Good News.

Thanks for the opportunity to share these things with you. I pray that the Lord would bless and encourage you and increase your vision for Him in the days to come.

Tom Shanklin


We have had Pastor Tom come to our parish on different occasions, and the ministry done among us is of the highest biblical caliber. Further, the Lord confirms the preached word by many healings in the name of Jesus. We have witnessed people healed of arthritis, back pain, neuropathy, etc. What is more, the Lord has healed people emotionally, bringing many to recommit their lives to Jesus and serving Him. This ministry has been a blessing to many in the Body of Christ, from numerous denominations. I myself am a Lutheran pastor of the AFLC, and as we hold these meetings there are many people from Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Assembly of God, Mennonite,  Methodist, and Non-denominational backgrounds who come to receive the Word of God and get changed by the Holy Spirit. The Lord is using Tom’s ministry to further the revival of the Church.

Pastor Robert Buechler
Trinity-Bergen/Lake View Lutheran Parish
Starkweather, ND

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