Share the Good News!

About 50 people from six different churches attended our school in Tolna, ND.

Training Ordinary People to Extraordinary Things

Find strength and fulfillment in your Christian life!
Help your local church to grow!
Reach others with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Dear Pastor, a great untapped resource is sitting in front of you each Sunday morning—the people of your church. Properly trained, equipped and encouraged, your people can reach your community and change the world.

The Believers School of Ministry will equip your people to share their faith and to use the gifts that God has given them to help others. We teach foundational Bible principles and train believers to do the works of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Each class includes practical hands-on training in ministry skills—such as witnessing, praying for the needs of others, and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Tom Shanklin

Introduction to Ministry


  • Lesson 1—Discovering New Life in Christ
  • Lesson 2—Sharing Your Faith as a Lifestyle
  • Lesson 3—Building a Foundation for Faith
  • Lesson 4—Nurturing New Believers

Practice Sessions—Witnessing & Leading People to Christ


  • Lesson 5—Receiving Power to Change the World
  • Lesson 6—Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit
  • Lesson 7—Moving in the Gifts of the Spirit
  • Lesson 8—Hearing God’s Voice

Practice Sessions—Hearing God’s Voice


  • Lesson 9—Doing the Works of Jesus
  • Lesson 10—Healing the Sick
  • Lesson 11—Using Your Authority in Christ
  • Lesson 12—Bringing Healing to Families, Communities, & Nations

Practice Sessions—Ministering to the Sick

Seminars can be held on a weekend or evenings or in conjunction with evangelistic/healing services. After each lesson, there are practice sessions where students can put what they have learned into action through role playing and actual ministry encounters.

Contact us to schedule the Believers School of Ministry in your church.

Testimonies from the Believers School of Ministry

“Excellent sessions. Stirred up the need to be witnesses in our area.”

“The school has taught me that with God’s help and the Holy Spirit, I can reach out to others and win the lost.”

“I can share the Gospel with the world in great boldness.”

‘A great encouragement.”

“It helped me to want to share Christ with others, and gave me a ways of doing this. It was inspiring and I am so glad that I attended.”

“It has strengthened my faith and most of all helped me and clarified with solid steps how to lead others to the Lord. It has shown me how all I have been learning in church, Bible study and  from others can blossom and bring forth fruit.”

“I have had a lot of time to ponder my life and this class gave me many things to think about that I wouldn’t have otherwise.”

“It is a good place to develop our own local church.”

“Gives us hope and strength for the future, Heaven!”

“Gave me a push.”

Recommendations for the Believers School of Ministry

I write this letter for the purpose of recommending the Believers School of Ministry that is being led by Pastor Tom Shanklin. I have had the privilege of being an attendee of three of those meetings, and a co-teacher in one of them when we held that school here in our parish during June of 2017. I believe these times of teaching and practical application are terribly important for the Body of Christ, and I know that many of the people who came for these meetings were blessed and challenged to walk outside their denominational “boxes” with regards traditions, and to put into practice the teachings particularly with regards healing, deliverance, and praying for people. I highly recommend these classes and encourage anyone who is serious in following the Lord Jesus Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit to attend. You will be blessed!

Pastor Rob Buechler
Trinity-Bergen/Lake View Lutheran Parish AFLC
Starkweather, ND  58377

Thanks to Tom Shanklin Ministries for The Believer’s School of Ministry!  It really helped lay a Biblical foundation for our faith and equipped the students to share the message of the Gospel.  I have no doubt our church and community will see plenty of fruit from this 12-week course for the months and years to come.  It was especially inspiring to hear Tom’s personal stories of sharing his faith and to break up into groups to practice what was learned.  Jesus modeled a ‘tell and show’ method when teaching about His Kingdom, this class values and models that as well.  If you’re considering hosting this class, I wouldn’t hesitate.  A worthy investment with eternal dividends.

David Welker, Pastor
Two Rivers Vineyard Church
Mankato, Minnesota

Contact Us to schedule a Believers School of Ministry in your church. We also welcome you to use our material and have your own class. Let us know and we’ll help you get started. 

BSOM Introduction to Ministry Teaching Manual (12 Lessons) PDF>>>

Visit the Online Believers School of Ministry>>>